Chapter Ten: Ya need to get your priorities straight 🙄

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Percy was legitimately confused.

American Royalty? What the fuck??

Well, he wasn't that surprised. He'd seen more than that.


the irony of wanting my OC Jen to explain this is unbearable T-T

Everything had gone by so quickly, he thought it was a dream.

"Hey Pipes!" The blonde girl seemed like a ghost as she sat down next to the daughter of Aphrodite. He noticed a long, thick scar across her throat as the candlelight caught her features. His heart seemed to stop.

Even worse, she seemed like her thirteen-year-old self, so that brought a whole dam lot of nostalgia.

Great. Awesome. Absolutely amazing.

He hated himself for accepting Hecate's offer. He should've ran away and stayed in hiding before he got any big ideas.

"The normal sorting for the first years will now begin!" Dumbledore announced. "Abby, Regina."

"Hey, you ok, Perce?" Jen whispered from next to him. He nodded, snapping out of his trance.

"Yeah, yeah." He blinked back his stinging eyes and directed his attention to the Sorting.

"Perce, you can switch to your normal form now." Nico elbowed him. "C'mon, show Annabeth."

"SLYTHERIN!" The Sorting Hat bellowed. Sylvia skipped down the podium and sat right across Nico.

"Hi Nick!" She grinned mischievously. "You're stuck with me now!" Nico banged his head on the table exasperatedly.

if ykyk ToT

Get me out of here, Hecate. He begged to the goddess. This is torture.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He muttered as he stood up. "See you later." He shifted form to a brunette boy with hazel eyes and walked out of the Great Halls briskly.

The large corridors were empty and silent, but Percy could hear the blood roaring through his ears.

He needed to get outside. This was getting too much for his brain to handle.

He closed his eyes and focused on the water molecules around him, and he dissipated into mist.

The cold night air hit his face as he reappeared just on the shores of the Great Lake. The crickets chirped around him, and the throbbing in his ears faded. He took a breath of the fresh air. His head cleared, and his senses sharpened again. Being around...her made him feel claustrophobic. Like he was drowning in memories.

He felt someone appear behind him.

"Don't do this, Perseus." A voice hissed. "You are in danger if you disobey my rules."

"Who said I was going to obey your rules?" He turned around, facing Hecate and glaring at her icily. "You never said you were going to send the demigods of Camp Half-Blood here. You said I could've gotten away from the gods!"

"I never said that you would stay away from the demigods." She said simply, her eyes glowing eerily in the night.

"Why did you send them?" He demanded. "You know how much I've suffered in the past. They are the painful scars of memory that I have to deal with after the war with Kronos and Monster Olympus." She pursed her lips.

A Cursed Hope (Sequel to A Dark Legacy)Where stories live. Discover now