Chapter Fifteen: This is siriusly confuzzling

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new character added! JJ (_thepercyjacksongeek)

sorry for not adding you sooner- it takes a while for me to process how many people are added

all the rest of you that want to be an OC you can comment here ----> I will add you in a later chapter, i promise!

also, js saying that Nico Campbell the OC is going to be called Nick now since his full name is Nicolas so no confuzzling :3

extra long chapter bcuz i felt like it

3rd Person POV


Lila, JJ, and Blake spun around at the sound coming from the Great Hall.

"Holy mother of fu—" 

"What the heck was that?!" Blake stared at the direction of the sound. Lila frowned, subconsciously trying to get Blake and JJ behind her.

"Sounded like my parrot not gonna lie—stay behind me, you two." 

"Actually, it sounded more like my owl Oak—" Blake corrected.

" have a parrot?" JJ shook their head. "Never mind. I should've expected that from you. We need to get to the Great Hall—now." Lila opened her mouth to protest but was cut off by Blake.

"Don't need to tell me twice—" She grabbed Lila and JJ's hand and shot towards the Great Hall.

"Lil? Blake? JJ?" Sylvia's head popped up around the corner. "Did you scream or—"

"That wasn't us." Blake glanced around the halls. "Where is everybody?"

"Either checking out the Great Hall or hiding in the common rooms." Nick Campbell appeared into view behind Sylvia. "Me and Sylv heard a scream."

"Yeah, they yelled 'IT'S HIM! HE'S GOING TO KILL US!' or something like that shit." Sylvia shrugged. "Honestly, I don't give a fu—"

"Sylv, you can cut down on the swearing—" Nick tried to say, but she just flipped him off in response.

"I can swear how I want, Nick—"

"Guys?" JJ interrupted. "Not the time—"

"Gays." Sylvia corrected. "We're both gays." Blake threw her hands up in the air in frustration, but a small smile ghosted her lips.

"You do know that—" JJ started, but got cut off by another ear-piercing wail.


Another scream echoed through the walls.

"Why does it give me Hunger Games vibes...?" Lila blurted out. "Sorry. ADHD and shit—"

"We need to go now." Blake started to jog towards the sound.

"What if something happens??" Nick pulled her back a step. "They did say that murder was involved...could it be Sirius Black? The killer that escaped Azkaban?" Sylvia scoffed.

"The Fat Lady was probably just hallucinating when she said that Sirius Black was here." She dismissed the thought. "Why would he target Hogwa—oh." Lila nodded grimly, dead serious.

"Harry Potter." They all chorused at once.

"This is not good..." Nick said, his hand still on Blake's shoulder. 

Will's POV—

"What's going on out there?!" Will shouted. The entire Ravenclaw common room was shaken up by the scream outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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