Why do I still want you?

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You broke my heart, leaving the pieces on the floor.
You broke my heart, leaving me crying in the corner.
You broke my heart, yet why do I still yearn for your arms around my waist?
Why do I still yearn for your warm embrace?
Why do I stay up at night dreaming of your lips on mine?
I dream of your voice, your touch on my skin, the fierceness in your eyes.
And I wish I didn't miss you this much.

We are only haunted by the things we refuse to accept, and I refuse to accept the person you've become because you've changed.
I miss the old you, the one that cared about me. I've been through a lot.
You have put me through a lot.

So I'm sorry I mistook all of out laughs, our inside jokes, our sweet texts, our romantic nights as you actually caring.
I'm sorry for becoming attached.

You were the person I dreamed about every night.
You were the person that put butterflies in my stomach.
I smiled every time I heard your name.

Now, if someone asked if I knew you, I just say that I used to.
Because you broke my heart.
I never healed.
I just moved on.
I left it in the past.
I left you in the past.

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