Chapter 19

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Sach woke up in her cold bed instead of a stranger's arms. And even though Zayn's lap wasn't as familiar as her white sheets, she enjoyed it. and she loved how safe she felt in a real guy's embrace. 

She checked her phone for the time and it was 1 pm. She rolled over to get up only to notice the little Japanese flag she made. Her cheeks turned as red as the blood puddle and she prayed Zayn isn't anywhere near. She got up quickly, feeling dizzy from the sudden action. She ripped the sheets off hastily before Zayn makes an appearance. And she swiftly made her way to the bathroom. Only to be bumped by the golden eyes boy ; 

"Good afternoon baby." 

She smiled awkwardly trying to walk. He stopped her with his words.

"I made you breakfast, I am pretty sure you're hungry." 

"Great," She said. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom then we can see what we're gonna do." She walked backward. Still facing him. Making sure nothing is visible or noticeable. 

Zayn nodded letting her disappear behind the white door. He walked to Sach's room. Only to see the ripped sheets and the red hint on her mattress. He understood what was happening. He had sisters. And he smiled to himself remembering what he and Layla used to do when she was on her period. And how he'd massage her swollen tummy and how he'd cope with her mood swings. He loved her.

His lips stretched into a smirk as an idea hit his mind. He walked out of Sach's room. He overheard the sound of the shower's water hitting on her body. He knocked the door ;

"Sach, You're showering?" He asked in his smoky voice.

"Yes?" She yelled from inside.

"I am coming in." Zayn stated. 

And before Sach could say a word or stop him, the door was burst open. He was good with locks.

"ZAYN GET OUT!" she screamed hiding behind the orange bathroom curtains. 

Zayn ignored her screams and pulled his sweater off his head. Showing off his long torso and six abs. 

"You're on your period." Was Zayn's response.

"Yes and get out." Sach said again.

Zayn ignored her again. He peeled the tight jeans off his long legs and he was in nothing but a Calvin Klein underwear. 

"Don't you need a massage or something? I know your body is sore," He seduced, biting on his bottom lip.

Sach stretched her short arm, trying to reach her clothes before Zayn. Zayn won as always. 

He threw her clothes on the back on the bathroom. Right behind him ;

"Come and get them." He challenged her.

Sach groaned with water dripping from her long hair as her head curled out. "I'm gonna rip those curtains off and wear them out if I had to." She accepted the challenge.

Zayn grinned as he peeled his black and white boxer off. Still locking his eyes with Sach's. He made his way to her and her orange curtains. walking like a model or a diva, making sure she likes everything she sees.

He ripped off the curtains. Sach's body was shaking like a jell-o. She was like a little child who hangs out with the bad kids. Scared and unsure.

She tried to hide as much skin as she can with her hand as Zayn's eyes burned down her body like a fever. He stepped in and stood behind her, his hand slightly brushed her back and bum before he warped his arms around her tightly. His chin rested on her narrow shoulder. "Don't be shy," He cooed in her red ears. "You're absolutely beautiful." He pressed a soft kiss on her shoulder and bare back. Feeling her body relaxing under his touch. 

His hand gently rubbed her stomach. The same way he'd do to Layla. 

"Does it hurt?" He asked. 

She nodded. "Very, cramps are the worst." 

He smiled as his hand drew circles on her wet tummy. Feeling the pleasure of the feminine skin. It felt so great and so relaxing.

His sly fingers sneaked to her breasts. Still massaging and squeezing. Sach gasped, not used to being desired. But she accept it eventually. she threw her head back and rest it on his chest. Enjoying it every touch. 

"Sore, huh?" Said Zayn. 

She nods with eyes close, breathing out in agreement. Not letting the moment pass without her catching every pleasure she can. 

The water was splashing them and Zayn's naked body felt hot on her back. She could easily feel his member touching his thigh. And she loved it.

Zayn leaned in a little. He grabbed the shampoo bottle and his eyes were at the same level as her breasts. He stood straight. Shooting her a wink, watching her cheek turn bright pink. 

"Sit down," Zayn ordered. 

"I am not giving you a blowjob, Zayn Malik." She argued.

Zayn laughed. "Well, not yet." He said. And Sach shot him a look. 

"I just want to shampoo your hair, Sach. Stop being so paranoid." 

"Well excuse me!" Sach said with a hint of annoyance in her voice as she turned around to him to face him. "I can't sleep, walk, shower without being interrupted." 

Zayn didn't hear what she was saying. His eyes cracking her body like bones. Staring down her wet body with admiration. He lust grew bigger imagining and thinking of all the things he could do to her. Sach noticed his gaze and turn her back to him. Hiding the blush and the interesting flesh and little smile she wore.

She sits down on her knees as Zayn told her. "There you go," 

Zayn massaged her scalp with the shampoo. Making sure she's enjoying his touch. Sach couldn't help but to moan. 

"As I'd always tell you." Zayn said "Save those for late,"

After he washed her hair and after the endless sly touches and the rapid kisses and after the "STOP" screams, Zayn stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel and throwing one to Sach. She dried herself as she silently watched him without him noticing. He was hot, and she wondered why she was fighting a-model-like boy. he was worth being showered with. And he was worth seeing the parts of Sach that the sun never seen. 

The white towel hung loosely down his waist. Showing off his strong V line. The water dripping from his face and body. He was such a turn on.

They both walked back to Sach's room. Still in nothing but towels. Sach pulled her closet's handles and pull it open. Her eyes searched for something appropriate to wear. Zayn pushed her a little with his body as he watched the towel almost hitting the ground. She holds it back. "Nice try," She teased. 

"Let me pick you something nice," Zayn said. 

Sach watched him as she quickly wore her bra and panties before he would turn around. 

"Here," He handed her the shortest short he could find and a lace shirt with a grin on top. 

"Zayn," she looks up. "It's freezing I am not wearing that." 

Sach stood up, letting the towel hit the ground this time. She made her way to the closet only in bra and panties. She picked an over sized wool sweater to wear. She looked over her shoulder, "Go out and let me get dressed." She said and he obeyed.

"You're such a tease," He breathed out. "I can't wait to get you."

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