Chapter 7 - The Records of the Future

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The hidden entrance in the wall opened once again and Charise turned around to see who it was. Nivia came out of the room and the wall closed behind her. The Queen herself led Charise's uncle to the dungeon, keeping a close eye on her current one and only lead, so there was nothing more for Nivia to do now. She now had some free time to spend in Charise's company before her next meeting. She was very excited to spend even a few minutes of her time with her.

The cotton-candy-haired princess decided to greet her friend once again. - "Greetings once more! I am sorry for what happened, we forgot about this secret entrance in the wall." - She looked away awkwardly.

-"No biggie! I didn't even hear what you guys were talking about back there before I entere- well... fell down the stairs and wound up there." - A genuine laugh came from the red-haired's direction, followed by Nivia's giggles.

-"So, that was your uncle? How did he end up in this state? He does not seem to recognize your face or voice at all." - Nivia questioned.

-"Oh- well... You see-" - She tried to find the right explanation that wouldn't reveal too much, but thankfully her sorry explanation was interrupted by a call from the other side of the hallway.

-"Your Highness!" - Elizar - the right hand of Princess Nivia - called for her with his warm, soft voice, running towards her with what seemed to be some very exciting news.

Charise and Nivia's gaze immediately shifted to him. They were interested in what the young fluffy unicorn brought for the princess this time.

-"Her Royal Highness Princess Belle Devica Anemone arrived at the palace!" - He said loudly, still running through the corridor with his short legs.

Charise just had an expression of curiosity on her face, while Nivia radiated with pure excitement and exhilarating joy. - "Wait, does she come to the palace once a year or what? I never see her-"

-"SISTERRRR!!" - Nivia squealed and quickly ran outside to greet her sibling, practically tripping over her own hooves.

-"Pfft-" - Charise tried to keep her laugh in. Seeing The Second Princess of the Herish Kingdom act so clumsy even as a Royal was kind of cute and refreshing.

-"I would not advise laughing if I were you, Miss." - Elizar politely spoke and smiled.

-"Y-yeah! Sorry." - Charise giggled and started making her way outside, after the now-completely-gone-from-the-hallway princess.
Nivia finally arrived outside, at the front of the palace, where the carriages that had just come back from the trip were now standing. Amongst the crowd of people unpacking and moving things from the carriages, she quickly spotted her beloved kin. She looked royal and perfect and her pure white hair complemented her light beige-colored coat and her regal purple eyes in a way that made her look like a beautiful doll. Yet her gaze was that of a person whose heart was made of ice. She definitely took after her mother.

The eyes of both girls lit up momentarily once they saw each other.

-"BELL!!!" - Nivia ran in her direction. Belle did the same.
-"NIVI!!" - She gave her a tight hug once she reached her. They missed each other a lot.

Nivia stepped back from the hug and looked at her sister with lots of joy. - "It must have been AGES since we have last seen each other! How have you been? You must be tired from all the traveling." - She held her hooves, looking her in the eyes with the most adorable smile known to a man.

Belle chuckled and patted her younger sister on the head. - "No need to worry so much about me! Appearances can be certainly deceiving. I am stronger than I let on, you know?" - The white-haired princess laughed, but felt thankful for the fact that Nivia cared about her. - "A few trips here and there are nothing. You may take my word on that." - She added. However, a brief sigh left her mouth after she said it.

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