(Undergoing major editing)
She's a cold and ruthless girl with a dark and dangerous aura.
She lives her life in secret other than those Trusted and close to her.
She's dominating woman with immense power!
What happens when she finds out she has bi...
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Me and my brothers are all in the living room waiting for ale, he called a meeting for some reason.
Max and Levi are arguing over what Oreo flavour is better, while Rome is being Rome; attempting to do a backflip while Cole scolds him to be careful. Raf is just sitting on the edge of the sofa drinking his whiskey, while i just observe as per usual.
Ale walks in and pours himself a glass or scotch and sits down.
"So long story short the seven sins killed some Russian fuckers who happened to be spying on us and I got a call from Arron yelling at me about how I didn't tell him kaylee was alive and living with us" he said in one breathe, man looks exhausted.
"Wait the seven sins are in Italy" Rome asks ale. "Yh I heard a rumor they came to italy, the guy was the informant for the group he told me they wanted the location of the Russian sec traffickers" ale explains.
"Why" I ask.
"See me and Raf don't know we think they just wanted to kill some Russian rapist, and it's just a coincidence they were trying to spying on us, they also tried to steal the frenches drug shipment" he further explains. We all nod confirming his theory, I mean who doesn't want to kill a bunch of rapists.
"What are we going to tell Kay about Arron and the rest" max finally speaks up. "Well she's staying at boys house tonight, so I was thinking tomorrow since it's Saturday, we go out to dinner and then after we get home we tell her and hopefully she doesn't freak the fuck out on us" ale suggests.
"I mean I can't blame her if she does, she is the only girl and youngest that's in a house full of men. Along with only having guy friends, so I can see why are brothers coming home would freak her out" Levi sympathises.
I also understand, Kay isn't too much of a people person too I've noticed she doesn't like physical contact unless she trusts the person. Which shows she trusts us because she's always cuddling me and the boys. I just hope she can trust and get used to are other brothers like she did with us.
"We'll talk about the rest tomorrow, Max and mal you meet me in the gym and Levi and Rome your session is after dinner" Raf tells us.
God I hate when Raf does training with us. Ale, Raf and Cole have us do a group training session every Friday night, to keep us up to standards with our training and to keep us strong and trained.
We all work out and keep are body's in good condition for the mafia, but sometimes it's an excuse for the older brothers to hang out with us. One thing we always have time for is family ale always makes sure family comes first! And I envy him for that. He does everything to make us happy.
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I'm in my room getting ready to go to a street race, me and the guys decided to let Italy know we're in town.
Not as the seven sins but as are individual underworld names, me as devils advocate of course. Will is known as blue lightning, oli is riot, Ezra is moon, attie is craze, Drea is morte and Arlo is douleur.
I'm pissed off that my cars haven't arrived yet there really testing my patience with this shipping process, arlo is letting me race with his car tonight since two of his cars arrived I don't know how all the boys got some of there cars and yet I'm still Car-less but it's a fucking joke.
We made are way to the race on the outskirts of town, my brothers friend Reuben who I learned from Andreas is the Mexican mafia heir, he told us about the race well more like we over heard him I am kind of worried I might see my brothers here because I know this is Levi,Rome and maxes thing.
We pull into the big dirt roads that surround us I spot many nice cars and a shit ton of drunken teens all over, there's a huge crowd surrounding the two cars that are about to race.
Looking around I spot a few familiar faces. "I see alzar" arlo points to him. I groan "why is he in Italy, ugh" .
"Why don't you go say hi" Ezra teases. "Why don't you walk away before I chop your balls off and feed them to you" I deadpan.
He walks away. God I hate alzar he's a prick and a stuck up asshole who brags about the fact he's slept with 'devils advocate' I had my mask on the whole time but he chooses to let people know what he looks like so he can brag. Told you arrogant asshole.
"I'm going to register you coming" attie asks. I nod and follow him, he puts an arm around my shoulder keeping me tucked into his side. Possessive. God why am I so horny. We register and get are races, all the boys are racing a low class racers while I'm racing mr.reuben aka Mexican mafia heir my brothers friend. I swear the universe hates me, I'm not worried I'm undefeated but I don't exactly need the attention of my brother's friends on me, and well knowing there all mafia heirs I know there all desperate to get me to join there mafias so there going to try and corner me. Yay not the sarcasm.
Update on what I know so far through a very large background check, Reuben is the Mexican mafia heir, Dylan is the American mafia heir, hunter is the British mafia heir we also have new additions Rio is the German mafia heir soon to be don, Gabriel is the Sicilian mafia heir and last but not least we have Ryan Han Japanese mafia don aka my Norwegian brothers best-friend.
They're all allied with the Italians but what I don't understand is why they all living in Italy, but I'll find out.
| time skip |
I won as usual, the boys all won As well so we're all happy and going home with 500k in winnings.
Arlo just finished his race and I'm currently waiting for him in the shadows of the race track, all night the boys have all help keep me hidden from prying eyes. But they had to leave after their races finished to keep there identitys a secret too, I see Arlo signal me to come over to the car, I quickly speed walk and hop in. Arlo goes to get in but gets stopped by a group of boys, not any group the heirs. (A/N:that's what I'm calling them)
"So douleur, how'd you get the devils advocate over there" Reuben asks. "Didn't get her, she's my friend not an object. Now if you could kindly remove your hand" Arlo snatches his hand back. "Mmh well she's got quite the reputation we want to talk to her" Rio asks. help me! Arlo looks at me for confirmation, I nod.
"you can talk to her from here, she won't be moving from the car" he demands. "Ok fine" they all nod.