•𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞•

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After we got are food from the cafeteria we headed to the courtyard to meet up with my brothers and his friends

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After we got are food from the cafeteria we headed to the courtyard to meet up with my brothers and his friends.

Me and Will are walking behind are group I want to ask him about him and Levi because I know he's my bestfriend but Levi is my brother and I can't help but feel protective of him it's just Will doesn't do relationships, I just don't want him to hurt Levi by leading him on or just using him for a fuck.

"What's going on between you and Levi" I ask quiet enough for him to hear. "Well nothing right now we've been texting but it's only been 3 days I've known the dude so we'll see but he's cute and well I might kinda like him" he mumbles the last part. "Ahhhhhh yay finally" I yell. He blushes at me, I realise we're now at the courtyard I see the guys and all my brothers and their friends are now looking at us.

"Don't mind us big information was just spilt" I wave them off. Will elbows my rib cage. "What the fuck asshole" I yell at him.

"du får en scene til å, stoppe før jeg gjør mye verre" he whisper yells.
(Trans: your make a scene, stop before I do much worse)

'å holde kjeft dramatisk rumpa' I yell.
(Trans: oh shut up dramatic ass)
"Are you two done now?"attie asks.
Whoops forgot everyone was watching. "My bad can we sit down my back hurts" I ask the group.

We all walk over to the group Benches in the courtyard, i pull out my phone and vape using oli's shoulder as a head rest. Everyone starts talking I just sit there puffing my vape then Romeo just has to speak up.

"You promised me a blunt at lunch"
He smirks at me with a glint of smugness in his eyes.

"Urgh fine hold on" I grab my bag and get the joint and lighter out, i light the joint a take a few puffs and pass it to him.

"Wait how many have you had today" Arlo frantically asks.
"I don't know like 4 plus two eddies"
I shrug.
"Jesus kaylee it's 1pm, we have gym next are you insane!" Andrea's scolds me. "I wasn't actually planning on doing gym idiots my back hurts that's also why I smoked so much" I snapped at him, I'm frustrated now. why the fuck is he tell me off! isn't he also high? Hypocrite.

"Have you taken your meds today you seem you know snappy" Ezra butts in.

"I'm fine and no I haven't taken them in weeks I don't like them" i shrug.

"What meds" "are you ok" "omg is she dying" all my brothers ask. Last one was Levi of course.

"Jesus I'm fine there just for my IED and I don't take them anymore"

"Oh me and max have IED too" Romeo tells me. I laugh "no shit" they all laugh at my reply. "Hold on we haven't introduce are friends" Levi tells the group. God more names to remember. I didn't even realise the rest of the people were here, I don't think the guys did either.

"Ok guys this is kaylee are little sister and mine and Levi's triplet and the other guys are her friends" Romeo tells the table.

We all look at the new 4 boys oh god I recognise two of them! I slept with one and the other one is the British mafia heir! What the hell.

"Kay how are you darling" James smirks. "Don't be a asshole James"
The whole group including the guys yell, guess I never told them I slept with him. he was one of are rivals at a race we had, Will hates him because he's an arrogant asshole.

"Yes we know each-other don't we darling" he winks.

"Your only making this worse for yourself not me" i wink back. Then In a matter of seconds realisation crosses his face he mumbles a string of curse words "not so cocky now are we?" i smile with a smug look plastered on my face.

"How do you know eachother" mal asks. "Well...." James leads off, "fucking hell! what are you five? we slept together" I finish for him. he's acting like a five your old who got caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. It's sex not a fucking court case.

The guys all bust out laughing, while my brothers all glare at James. I even see Rio, Gabriel and Jake glaring daggers at him, Great.
More overprotective bastards.

"Ok you've had your fun! the rest of you are" i gesture to the other 3 boys sitting next to James.

"Hi hermosa I'm Reuben costa." A Latino boy with brown curly hair introduces himself. Then a boy with jet black hair and lots of tattoos smiles at me,
"hey I'm Dylan Romano" I smile back he's cute but I know that name! Oh he's the American mafia heir.
"Well the best for last, I'm Hunter peirz" oh I know mr. britsh mafia heir. "Well nice to meet you all, including the others I met in class."

I smile at the table. "Well guys they know me! don't be rude introduce yourselves" I tell the guys.

"William but call me will"
"Oliver call me oli"
"Atticus I mean they call me Attie but up to you"
"Ezra you can call me ez"
"Andreas call me drea"
"Arlo just Arlo"

"Well now that's all done can one of yall find a lady friend this is too much...Manlyness" they all just laugh at my misery. "Oh wait till are cousins come back to school" mal says. Um pardon there's more!!!!!

"I'm sorry I think I miss heard you? There's MORE!!!!!" I screech. Yet again they all laugh at me.
"Oh cmon angel you must be used to it, you've never had any woman friends before" Oliver prys.

"I'll have you know I met someone today, thank you very much and it's not my fault most woman are bitchy and Whiney" I respond matter-of-factly.

"I thought you said she was just for a hookup" William says.

"God can she not be my friend too? det så ikke ut til at du brydde deg" i add in with a smirk. They all choke on air.
(You all didn't seem to mind)

Arlo just laughs at there faces,
"og dette er grunnen til at jeg aldri ble involved" he says.
(and this is why I never got involved)

"What language is that and what are you saying" Luke asks.

"Norwegian" we all say.
"And I was explaining how I can hook up with people and still be there friends" I tell them. Romeo looks at me sceptical. While the rest nod. Just then the lunch bell rings.

God saved by the bell literally!

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