(Undergoing major editing)
She's a cold and ruthless girl with a dark and dangerous aura.
She lives her life in secret other than those Trusted and close to her.
She's dominating woman with immense power!
What happens when she finds out she has bi...
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After my lovely intervention with Romeo, I found the guys in the living room watching the footage of me yelling at Rome along wirh the rest of my brothers.
I just grabbed the back of oli and dreas t-shirts and dragged them to the gym, the rest of the guys followed getting the hint I wasn't in the mood to talk.
"Which one of you volunteer to fight me" I ask them.
"I'll do it, I haven't spared with you in a long time and I'm sensing a lot of rage and I can take it" Andreas nods.
"Cool drea your with me, Arlo ref the match and the rest of you stretch because your running tatic 4 training today, I need all of us back to usual conditioning" I instruct them. They all nod and get to work.
I wrapped my hands and took off my shirt showing off my tats, I jump in the ring with drea.
"Kaylee mouth guard now"Arlo yells. He put my mouth guard in and signals the fight to start.
Me and drea circle each other, he right steps and left hooks but I block it and send a punch to his right side. He grunts and steps back leading me forward, I kick his shin giving him an opening to punch me in the stomach, I grab his arm twisting and shoving him to the ground. I jump on top of him straggling him, I punch him several times, he then flips us over and kicks me in the rib. I grab his shoulder shoving him off me while I stand up I take some deep breaths and he launches at me I sidestep spinning on my heels and grab his left arm stopping him from falling flat on his face, I use this to turn him around landing a sold punch to his cheek sending I'm to the ground with a thud. Arlo calls me as winner.
"Well that was quite boring" I mumble through my mouth guard.
"Can we use knives next time" drea asks. "Sure add some to the mix" I shrug. Drea get out the ring and Ezra steps up.
"I'm next, I want knives" Ezra commands. This should be fun, when me and Ezra fight we always end up stabbing each other until one person can't walk and we love it. We're very similar in that way we like the pain and suffering. Shame.
"Kk there in my bag over there" I tell Arlo. He grabs my bag and pulls out my favourite dagger. Me and Ezra menacingly smile at each other.
"Oh this is gonna be fun" he says. I nod eagerly, "I needed this" I smile at him. He knows how I feel and understands the pain isn't an issue it's more of a solution. He grabs two daggers while I grab my two daggers and a couple stars.
"Ok don't kill each other! just minor injuries pls" Arlo sighed.
We starts hand in hand combat, after a while of punches he moves to dagger my shoulder I block him he smirks at me, knowing my next move; I'm going to retaliate.
I grab my first star and throw it lodging it into his upper arm. 'Good throw' he mumbles, we go knife to knife now.
he grazes me a few times nothing major. I manage to block all his attacks while he gets warn out, then he turns facing me i analyse that the walls slightly behind him cussing me to grab my throwing knife from my ankle and throw it towards his head, scraping his ear and hitting the wall behind him. He sigh and signals T sign go tap out, I nod.
"Well that was 10x more fun" I tell him. "Good throws" he bops my nose.
"Ez you need to work on blocking and stamina and Kay your throwing was great but you need to work on attacks theres more skill than speed, we need speed to harm! Not skill, your skill is to understand the use of combat while your speed it to BE used FOR combat. Understood" Arlo critiques me an Ezra.
We hear clapping I turn to see Lucien,River,dom and my brothers standing at the gym door.
"That was great bambina" Ale tells me. "Yh your throwing is amazing" raf adds on. "Where'd you learn that" max asks.
"Taught myself and the guys. throwing is my specialty" i answer honestly. I wipe my face with my t-shirt on the bench.
"So you can fight and throw knives" Rome questions. "Yup I can do a lot more but that's my little secret" i wink at them. They chuckle, Will and Oli come over to unwrap my hands and clean them. I continue talking to my brothers then will grabs the rubbing alcohol.
"Arn't you going to warn her fucking idiota" River yells at will and oli.
Me,will and oli burst out laughing then Rome and max join.
"She did This last week, me and Rome cleaned her cuts but she didn't flinch or move she even gave us a smile" Max explains to them.
"Well I don't really feel inflicted pain" "What do you mean 'inflicted' pain" Mal now enters the conversation.
"Well say for example being punch,stabbed or shot I can't feel because it's inflicted, but say stomach ache or head ache the natural body stimuli I can feel it's mainly Internal matters I can feel" I elaborate, they look at like I'm crazy.
"Bullshit" mr grumpy speaks up, I don't know what's up Luciens ass but it's gotta come out.
"Fine" i sigh and walk over to where my knives are, I pick my purple one up and walk back over to the group.
"Just watch don't freak ok" i proceed to stab myself. Crazy I know, but just to prove and get my point across. I pull the knife back out my hip.
"Arlo kay stabbed herself again" Will yells at arlo. I just sit back on the bench and grab the rubbing alcohol, i clean my hands then my stab wound, I grab my sewing kit from my gym bag and begin stitching my skin back together.
After I finished I grab a cover patch, put it over the stitches and clean up the rappers. not going to lie the silence is making me very uncomfortable. I just raise a brow at my brothers.
"ARE YOU DUMB" Cole yells. Dam didn't even know he could do that. "YOU JUST FUCKING STABBED YOURSELF WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" he continues, I just sit there looking at him trying to not to laugh. I failed miserably I busted out laughing.
"Oh my god Cole i-I di-dn't even think y-you had the ability to raise your voice and I'm fine happens all the time" I continue to laugh at him.
"When I said bullshit I didn't think she'd stab herself to prove it" lucien mutters. Me and the guys chuckle while my brothers glare at me.
"You keep saying it's fine, and if I'm not mistaken I heard Will yell 'Arlo Kay stabbed herself again' so mind explaining why the fuck you just did that and to even fathom the idea you think this is normal" Ale grits out. Oh he's mad yay I've always wanted to see the Italian don mad.
"Well dear brother and the Brady bunch, I'm used to it I lived on my own for a long time it comes with danger, I also just happened to train myself and the guys as I got older, and during training you get hurt too so that's why I don't care also I just told you I don't feel 'inflicted' pain" he glared at me so I glared back.
"Why'd you keep calling us the Brady bunch" Levi interrupts are glaring contest. "Because are parents and uncles clearly popped out children like there was no tomorrow! aka large family = Brady bunch" god how thick is this family ain't they meant to be the biggest and best mafia?
They all chuckled "right well shows over, me and the boys are going back to there place and I'll go to school from there, also Ale I've got a shipment of my stuff coming tomorrow just so you can let the guards know. I'll be home tomorrow night" I grab my bag and walk to my room to shower.
Tomorrow my other brothers are returning to school, so I know it's going to be a shit show. But at least I get to see Melissa! We've been texting all weekend and she's very cute constantly sending me pictures of her cat, but for a cute little lady working for the Italian mafia as a hacker was a shock to find out. Even more reason to talk to her.