•𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟜•

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Kaylee walks out the living room after literally threatening me and meeting are brothers like it was nothing

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Kaylee walks out the living room after literally threatening me and meeting are brothers like it was nothing.

"She's not what I expected" Enzo speaks up. "I agree why is she so..." Arron doesn't finish.

"Cold." Ale finishes for him.

All are brothers nod.

"Well she's always like that, she doesn't trust easily nor do we, so we understand that. But she is different when she's around her friends. I mean the day we met them I swear it was the first time I saw her even smile or laugh since coming back" Raf elaborates.

"We like her friends, they go to are school too, after the day we got kaylee back they immediately moved to Italy the next day and there chill people Aswell" max tells the group.

"Wait so they literally just packed their shit from home and moved to Italy? What about there family's and how did they even manage that there kids no" Russell questions. I mean I never really thought about that.

"Well I tried to do a background check on Kay as her old last name and her friends but there's nothing and the files kaylee does have under her real name are secured by a unbreakable firewall, i couldn't even hack it but her friends live together kaylee mentioned it once" mal inputs.

Ok this is getting more and more suspicious now. Mals are best hacker so whoever's protecting my baby sister has to be good at what they do, but why? What information does she need to protect?.

"Bit fishy to me" Lucian warns, I mean I agree but we could just ask.

"I think we should stop speculating and ask her, I mean she can be scary but there's no harm in asking. She would probably kill us if we prod more into her files" I suggested.

"I agree with Rome, she's very secretive but she just found out she has a family after living on her own for years, and you can find people on every corner that are willing to hide information for a few bucks" Ale says in Stern no further discussion voice. We all agree and drop the subject.

"Can I ask one question" jax speaks while stuffing his face with grapes.
Ale nods, "you said she lived alone? Also how did you find her?" Wow a good question for once, I've only just realised non of us know how she actually got back.

"Not even me, Levi, mal or max know" I snap, Im pissed now how could we forget to ask?

I feel bad for not telling them how we found her, but I knew they would freak when they found out she has a big criminal record

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I feel bad for not telling them how we found her, but I knew they would freak when they found out she has a big criminal record. Which I had to kill a few cops to get, I still knew it wasn't all her information because it was too fabricated and there were many more locked files, but I knew she'd been in some deep shit but never sent to juvy or stayed more that a day in lock up.

Here goes nothing.

"Ok so we were in LA for a meeting with the American don to discuss a new deal we want with KA manufacturers, after that I was with raf and Cole when I got a call from LAPD informing me that they arrested a young girl who refused to give them information other than her name kaylee burg, so they did a DNA test and turned out she was related to us and she was placed in foster care at 11 then ran away from foster care 4hrs after being there and has been a runaway since, so after the social work told us she needed a guardian, we went to the police station, after confirming with another DNA test to be safe, we were met with are little sister putting another cop in a headlock *chuckles* they called her 'little devil' they seemed familiar with her aswell, the police captain from north LA demanded her charges to be dropped, after I signed all the guardianship documents we took her to the penthouse and left for Italy the next morning" i concluded.

"Wait she was arrested? For what?"
"Another max and Rome"
"Did she come willing"
"Dam badass"
"Definitely are sister"
"What do you mean ran away"

Woah that's alot of questions!

"Right! She was arrested for driving without possession of a license, which I was informed she does have but was stolen, she has a large criminal record but it's all hidden by a firewall, yea she is very similar to Max and Rome more than you could imagine!, They don't know much since kaylee wouldn't talk but from what I know she was placed into Forster care aged 11 the day before her 12th birthday and then after a few hours of being there she ran away and the only way we will know why is if she talks to us, which is unlikely since she doesn't open up much and before you say anything yes I've got men still looking into it and trying to crack the firewall that's protecting her information"
I said that in one mouth full. God the more I say the more she sounds like me.

When I was younger I would often get arrested and dad owned half the police stations, so I would always be let go just to sneak out and do it all again, I even ran away for 5 days but dads men found me. God she's a little shit like me.

"Sounds like a little Ale to me" Arron laughs. We all chuckle, she really is a little devil.

"Ok now that's clarified, Romeo mind telling me why are little sister threatened to kill you." I ask, I mean I don't blame her he can be a dick but I'm still intrigued since she looked like she was on the verge of beating him to death.

Rome chuckles "well I took her phone because she was on it the whole time we were hanging out, and I saw messages from Oliver her friend saying how hard she made him and now it's all her fault she can't fix it blah blah blah..." I know for a dam fact he was waiting to snitch on her.

"Mm I'm pissed, but you know snitches get stitches, I would be more worried about what Kays about to do" I point to the little angry girl standing in the corner.

Looking at her I see her workout outfit and a lot of tattoos on her arms! She looks badass. Yep definitely my sister.

"Rome would you like to repeat that" she asks deadly calm.

'Oh shit' 'fuck' is heard all around.

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