•𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟚•

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Me, Matteo, nick and the guys are sitting in a VIP booth in some club celebrating my reveal and also avoiding my brothers

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Me, Matteo, nick and the guys are sitting in a VIP booth in some club celebrating my reveal and also avoiding my brothers.

The rest of the gala I was surrounded by business men asking me questions and wanting meetings with me asap, so if I'm being honest I didn't get a chance to talk to my brothers but I'm also avoiding them.

I saw there faces while walking off the stage they had smiles and some looked lost in thought but they went home after they realised I was busy.

After the gala ended a few of us decided to go clubbing, usually I'd be in bed after a event like this, but today I'm letting loose and being happy while I can.

"It's been 5 hours since the reveal and you're already the most wanted bachelorette in the business world" Andreas shouts over the music showing the news article of me.

"Well I'm taken by two fine men" we all laugh, "anyways even if I was single, I'm not getting married off to some fat beer belly dude to benefit there company not mine" rolling my eyes, they're all laughing at me.

"What if Nick and me got beer belly's you won't marry us?" Teo pouts, I snicker at his stupidity.

"Well I'm not one to shame but those body's are mine and you'll keep them that way till we die old and shrivelled up plus you two love your body's more then me" i smirk.

"I know I have great abs" teo fans himself gushing like a little girl.

"I have better abs love" nick smirks as Teo scowls "you both have great abs so shut up" i deadpan.

They raise their hands in surrender while Drea and Oli just laugh at them.

I look around the club for the rest of the guys, I spot arlo at the bar, Will just standing next to a mid-making out Ezra while Attie is taking to a girl on the dance floor.

I'm tired and hungry plus these fucking heels hurt!

"I'm going home" I announce, I kiss Teo, nick and hug the rest. I grab my bag, teo offers to walk me to the suv waiting outside since all of us are drunk best not to drive.

"Text me when your home, love you" he opens the door and I jump into the car, the driver pulls off and I close my eyes to take a quick nap before getting home to questions.

As the driver pulled into my brothers estate the first thing I notice is the dead guards at the front gate, I tell the driver to stop and let me out.

I get out the car and he wastes no time speeding off far away from the house.

Fortunately I have 2 guns and around 7 knifes on me, I grab my gun and tred through the garden I stop once I get to the window viewing the kitchen and living room.

I slowly peek my head up, in the middle of the living room I see Ale,Arron and Enzo tied and gaged in a circle with guns to there heads, the rest of my brothers are also tied up around their wrists in a circle with 8 attackers each-side. In the corner of the room I see Gabriel,Rio and Dylan with the unknown guards holding them down to the floor.

we have no backup and around 30 unknown attackers, think kaylee!

I get my phone out and send a text to nick and Andreas to send me some backup.

Now backups on the way time for the devil to come and play.

I quietly open the window and slide through landing effortlessly on the ground, I creep into the kitchen and grab 3 guns my brothers have hidden around.

I move into the living room hiding behind the wall, I see all the attackers with there backs to me, perfect!

"Where is she" one attacker shouts.

"Pardon?" Max laughs. He's definitely my brother, the only people who would laugh in a hostage situation.

"You sister! WHERE IS SHE" he punches max in the face, motherfuckers gonna pay for that.

Max laughs again "like all my brothers have told you we don't have a sister doofus." I hear the rest of my brothers snicker.

God we're a strange family.

The man grabs his gun and clocks max round the head.

I think the fuck not asshole.

I walk behind 4 guards and slit there throats, they drop dead and I see one of the dead man's tattoos.


I move onto the 5 standing guard of the door and quickly slit there throats and stabbing the last one effectively making 6 guards turn to look at me.

I grab my gun with the silencer on and shoot them dead in the centre of their heads.

I move onto the Russians holding 3 of the heirs down, I sneak up behind them I slit the throat of the one holding Gabriel down, I shoot the other holding Rio down then punch and shoot Dylan's attacker.

8 more to go!

I shush the about to speak Rio and hand the three of them guns.
I motion for them to take the 4 guards on the right of my brothers and I'll take the 4 on the left.

They nod and go behind the 4 alerting my brothers and the 4 my side facing them.

I nod and shoot 3 guards in the head and shoot the leader in the knee caps, I grab his head and knock him unconscious so they can take him to the basement.

The boys do the same with there 4.

"All clear" I tell everyone.

I undo all my brother's ties and some gags they had in.

I go up to max whos got blood seeping out a small cut and a large bruise forming on his temple.

"You ok?" I ask.
"Ugh I think? my head hurts like a bitch! But thanks" max chuckles.
"The rest of you?" I turn to face the uninjured brothers, they all nod.

"GIÀ" a voice booms through the house, "Living room" I yell back.

Then nick, Andrea's and Matteo plus 20 guards from each off them come storming in guns abaze.

I just laugh and put my hand up to signal stop.

"stand down! we're all ok, no major injuries. 29 Russians dead and 1 unconscious for questioning, there's 23 Italian guards dead I want them careful placed for the Italians to take care off and the Russians I want 3 heads sent back to the don and the rest can be whatever" I tell the Greek, Spanish and French guards.

They all nod and start grabbing the Russians.

"It's not my blood" I tell nick who's looking down at my blood drenched clothes, "Didn't think it was, but are you ok" I kiss him and nod.

I turn my attention back to my brothers who have all sat on the sofa staring into space.

This is going to be a long night!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now