•𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛𝟟•

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I can't believe my baby's here in front of me

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I can't believe my baby's here in front of me. God she's even more beautiful, 14 months all I could think about was her, her smile, her cute freckles, her feisty attitude, she's my little spitfire.

I don't understand how or why she's here but I can tell by the tension in the room they want answers.

I look round the room and spot rueben my childhood bestfriend also Mexican mafia heir smiling at me, he knows about the girl me and Nick are dating but we never told anyone her name but i think he's pieced it together.

I just can't believe she's here! God I've missed my baby, but nicks going to be pissed we didn't surprise her.

"Explain!" is all Ale says, we're all sat around the table everyone's eyes are on me

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"Explain!" is all Ale says, we're all sat around the table everyone's eyes are on me.

"Well you see Matteo went into hiding with the Greek don Nickolas, the underground heard rumours of why they left but the reason was because the Russians were stalking and planning on killing me they sent many threats to Teo and Nick that caused them to need to leave me and go into hiding to protect me also to figure out a how to sort the threat out because it's was important information very close to me that they were threatening"

Everyone in the room looks even more confused than before.

"But why? Why you and why the Greeks too?" Arron asks.

"I'm really hoping y'all are up to date on the LGBTQ+ community, so basically Matteo and Nickolas are together they've been dating for 4 years, there both bisexual but 2 years ago they met me and we got together and we're in a polyamorous relationship meaning all three of us are together, but we had to break up because of the threat but they told me when the threat is safe enough they would return but i haven't spoken to them in a year so that's why i was/am pissed at his dumbass"

"So you're dating two mafias, the Spanish and Greek" Enzo confirms.

"Yep that's also how i knew about all your mafias, but it wasn't my place to ask so that's why i was waiting for you to trust me and tell me i just didn't expect asshole 1 over there to not call or text now he's out of hiding but instead turn up to a dinner" i point daggers at him.

"So you knew we were in the mafia and the Hier's the whole time" Rio laughs, I nod confidently.

"Lea how do you know them?" Teo points to my brothers and heirs.

"Well I know the Italians because there my biological brothers, turns out the abusive assholes kidnapped me when I was 2 but I know the heirs from school and there also my brothers bestfriends and practically live here, i also know rueben from the pictures in your room" I laugh at the end.

"Ok so let's clear this up, dating 2 mafias, Russians threatening to kill you, know the Japanese from LA also know Ben through Matteo,anything else" Ale sighs.

God if only he knew the rest of my life.

"Nope! Can we eat now this has made my body stress" they all nod and the maids bring out the food.

Conversations are flowing all my brothers and heirs are catching up with matteo, I'm just sitting thinking about how the guys are going to react when I tell them and how much I want to just jump on the two and never leave them again, matteo and Nick are my everything.

"Have you heard about Mrs KAs new line coming out next week" Ale says.

"Yeah we had a meeting with her last week, she's one scary lady! She agreed to train my soldiers on her new fire bullet guns here in Italy" Mr Peirz tells them, well I didn't agree to, my best men will train them duh!

"We want to get a deal with her but she's a busy woman, she already has 7 mafias all around the world signed to her, the new guns she's bringing out are meant to be the best line yet" Raf informs the dons.

"I actually know her Mabye now we're back i could get in contact with her and arrange a meeting" matteo says while looking at me.

Asshole knows this is entertaining me, he and Nick also know about me being Mrs KA and KAYG CEO.

"Really so you know her real identity, that's sick. I've always wanted to meet the youngest trillionaire and best businesswoman know to man" Dylan you already have!

I love this, my ego is so high right now.

"There's a ball this weekend with her partnerships me and Hunter will be attending since we now have a contract with her" Mr Peirz smiles.

"Yeah the Japanese, british, Norwegian and French were invited"
Gabriel sulks, i mean i could invite them all?

"Teo follow me we need to call the guys!" I get up and grab his hand.

We walk upstairs to my room, before i can even close the door I'm slammed up against the wall.

"You don't know how much i missed you" he whispers his Latino accent is making my knees weak.

"Mmh how much?" I kiss his ear.

"Oh baby I'll show you how much when we meet Nick but for now-"

He kisses me with so much passion and affection, we find a steady rhythm, he squeezes my ass causing me gasp allowing his tongue to explore my mouth, we break apart panting for air.

"I love you so much" i peck him multiple times, "Te amo."

"Ok so down to business, I'm inviting all the mafias downstairs to the ball this Saturday, I'm also inviting Nick. I need to go to the guys house because i need to explain y'all are back and fucking alive!!!" I smile.

"Ok that's fine, nicks actually staying in are penthouse 20 minutes away if you wanna go see him first, and we need to have a few words about what you've been up to since we left"

"Mm I don't think you'd want to know" i smirk.

"How many" he hesitates.

"All the guys except Arlo, and a few girls here and there" i smirk.

"Well as much as I hate other men seeing what's mine, I'm glad it's them because me and Nick trust them with you, although..." he comes closer to me.

"Don't think your not getting punished next time we're in bed"
He pitches my ass, I mumble 'asshole'.

"Oh that can be arranged" he smirks. "TEO" I slap his arm.

"Cmon we need to say bye to everyone and go see Nick" he throws me over his shoulder.

"Put-me-down" I hit his back continuously. "Oo your ass has gotten bigger" i giggle slapping his juicy ass.

This Causes him to slap my ass hard,
Fuck that stings! My ass is gonna be red by the end of the night.

"Ok we're going see you later, it was nice too see you all again but gotta go kidnap your sister" Teo tells everyone.

"Teo put me down!" I slap his ass again. "Stop hitting me and I will"

"Urgh you can go back into hiding now I'm bored of you already"

I hear everyone laugh.

He doesn't reply instead he walks out the room car keys in hand and drops me into the passenger seat.

"That attitude is going to get your ass black and blue" he whispers before shutting the door.

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