My fault

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This story takes place during the sixth season. In this story, Deku becomes depressed while Aizawa is in the hospital.

Also, Deku is adopted by Hizashi and Aizawa and live in their apartment.


🌱Deku's pov🌱

Ever since that day, I can't help but wonder.....would any of this have ever happened if I didn't exist?

Would my friends still be happy and healthy living in the dorms?

Would Midnight still be alive?

Would Mr. Aizawa be here right now, not in the hospital?

All of this is my fault. If I had never tried to become a hero, none of this would have ever happened....

These thoughts floated around my head as I sat against the locked door of my bedroom. I hadn't eaten or come out of my room in a week, afraid that I would get more people hurt. Even my papa couldn't get me out. He still managed to talk to me through my closed door everyday though. Every day without fail.

My thoughts were cut short when I heard a knock at my door. "Hey little listener, it's your papa. I brought you some food." 'He sounds tired,' I thought to myself.

"Not hungry," I replied. That had been my response to him bringing me food all week. But papa never gave up trying. "B-But you haven't eaten anything all week, and I don't want you starving yourself."

I said nothing.

"Please......can you open the door? I've just been so worried about you since......" His voice got shaky and tearful. I felt awful, but I just couldn't open the door.

He spoke again. "It wasn't your fault what happened, you know? It's not your fault that the league was after you. Your just a kid, you didn't do anything wrong. So can you please open the door?" I heard him softly sobbing on the other side of the door. I still remained silent.

'I can't take this anymore,' I thought to myself.

Hesitantly, I unlocked my door and opened it slowly to see papa sitting against the wall next to my door, crying and covering his his face with his hands. I slowly crawled up to him, grabbing his hands and pulling them away from his face.

⚡️Hizashi's pov⚡️

I was at a loss. I gave it everything I had to get that kid to let me in, but nothing worked.

I'm such a failure. I failed to protect sho, and now my kid will barely talk to me. These thoughts flooded my head as I sobbed into my hands.

Thoughts were so loud that I didn't even realize that the door next to me was open. The next thing I knew, someone was pulling my hands away from my face.

It was my boy.

I pulled him into a hug immediately. "I-I'm so sorry papa. I didn't mean to make you upset. I just didn't want any to you," he said as he sobbed into my chest.  "Do you really believe that it wasn't my fault?"

I pulled away, looking him in his eyes. "I promise," I said softly, kissing his forehead. He clung to me again after. "You know, I'm going to visit Shota later. Would you be interested in coming with me?"

He started shaking and held on to me tighter. "W-Would he even want to s-see me?"

"Of course he will! He's been worried about you. He was hoping to see you today."

The boy nodded, letting go of me and standing up.

☁️Nobody's pov☁️

Before the two went to visit Aizawa, they passed the time by having lunch and watching a movie. When it was time to leave, deku got really nervous, but mic was there to comfort him.

—Time skip: inside the hospital—

🌱Deku's pov🌱

As we walked down the hallway to dad's room, I got more and more nervous. By the time we got there, I felt like a couldn't breathe. All of the memories were flooding back to me.

Papa noticed this and crouched down in front of me. "Hey it'll be fine. Just breathe, okay?" I nodded, taking a deep breath through my mouth. He knocked twice before entering. I clung to his shirt, practically hiding behind him. Dad had a bandage wrapped around his forehead and covering his eye. His eye was also tied into a messy bun.

I let go of papa as he went and hugged dad. After that, he left the room to give us some space, and dad finally spoke to me. "Hey Izuku, how have you been?" I walked a little closer to him, scared to get too close.

He noticed this and smiled softly, titling his head to the side. "It's okay, you can come closer." I hesitantly walked closer to him. "Hizashi told me what happened with you, after I was brought here. Do you wanna talk about it?"

I looked away before trying to explain. "I-It's just that....." That's all I could get out before I broke down into tears again. Dad sighed and motioned for me to come lay with him in his hospital bed. I walked closer, slipping off my shoes before climbing into the bed with him.

He immediately wrapped his arm around me, rubbing my back. I continued on with my explanation. "I just feel like all of the things that happened was my fault. Maybe if I never tried to be a hero....." Before I could finish he covered my mouth with his hand.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Now how could you think any of this was your fault? You're just a kid. I know you didn't want any of us to get hurt. It's not like you were controlling them. They were gonna attack us either way, sooner or later. So you better believe me when I tell you that it wasn't your fault, do you understand me?"

I nodded slowly as I hugged him, sobbing into his chest.

✨🐈‍⬛Aizawa's pov🐈‍⬛✨

Problem child clung to me as he sobbed into my chest. I started rubbing his back to try and comfort him, but it didn't seem to work.

"Ssshh, it's okay. You're okay, ssshh." After a few minutes, his sons turned into soft sniffles. I looked down to see him falling asleep against me, snuggling his head up against my chest. I smiled softly as I planted a kiss on his forehead.

He must have felt it because he started smiling in his sleep.

A few minutes later, hizashi came back and smiled at the sight of me and problem child.

Everything was going to be okay

And there you have it, a happy ending!! I hope yall enjoyed this story just as much as I enjoyed writing it! I promise there will be more to come☺️☺️☺️☺️

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