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Hey y'all welcome back!! Imma just get straight into the story.

In this one, Aizawa gets sick and Hizashi takes care of him. Also, this is the first EraserMic story.

Let's go!!!

Aizawa woke up to bright rays of sunshine pouring out of his window, and a bad headache. What a perfect combination. He grabbed his phone, checking the time and what day it was. The time was 12:00 on a Sunday. He sat up slowly, holding his head. 'I guess I gotta get up now.'

As he got out of bed, a wave of nausea washed over him. He sighed, gripping onto his stomach as he made his way to the kitchen. When he got there he saw his husband standing over the stove, cooking breakfast. He slowly walked up to him, hugging him from behind. "Oh, I didn't hear you come down. You're just in time for breakfast. Go sit down and I'll bring you your coffee and food, okay?"

Aizawa groaned in response. "Not hungry," he said, his voice hoarse. Hizashi turned around and hugged his husband again, Aizawa nuzzling into his chest. "You don't even want a cup of coffee?" Aizawa shook his head.

Now Hizashi was worried. Aizawa never refused a cup of coffee, especially if it was in his favorite cat mug. He pulled away from Aizawa, pressing the back of his hand on his forehead and cheek. "I knew you felt warm earlier. Hang on hun, I'm gonna go find a thermometer," he said walking Aizawa over to the couch.

Five minutes, Hizashi finally found a thermometer. He rinsed it off, and then went to the living room. When he got there, Aizawa was already asleep again. Hizashi felt bad that he had to wake him up, but he needed to take his temperature. "Sho, hunny, I gotta take your temperature," he said, shaking him softly. "Mmm, don wanna, my head hurts."

"I promise it'll only take a second." With that, Aizawa sat up slowly, his eyes still closed. Hizashi pressed the button on the thermometer before holding it up to Aizawa's mouth. "Okay, put this under your tongue." He took it and placed it under his tongue, his hand shaking.

A couple minutes later, it started beeping. Hizashi took it out of his mouth and looked at the screen. "Yep, I knew it. You're at 103.8." Just as he said that Aizawa got up and speed walked to their downstairs bathroom and kneeled down in front of the toilet, puking up last night's dinner. Hizashi sighed, hurrying to the bathroom to help out his husband.

He immediately got down on the floor with him, holding his hair back and rubbing his back. Just then, another wave of vomit came and Aizawa coughed and gagged harshly. "Okay hunny, it's okay. Just let it out, I'm right here," Hizashi said, patting his back.

About ten minutes later, Aizawa was finally done throwing up and just wanted to lay down. Hizashi closed the toilet seat, flushing the toilet. "C'mon hun, let's get you cleaned up." He helped Aizawa change into some new clothes, and then he brushed his teeth. After that, he laid him down and got him comfortable. "Stay right here, I'll be back in a second," he said, kissing his feverish husband's forehead.

A few minutes later, he came back with a cold glass of water, some fever reducers, cough drops, and a cold damp rag. "Are you feeling up to taking some medicine? It'll help with the fever and the headache," he said, portioning out the medicine in his hand. "Only if you cuddle with me after." Hizashi chuckled softly. He knew his husband gets clingy when he doesn't feel good, and he loved him for that.

After he took his medicine, Hizashi laid down with him, motioning for him to lay on his chest. Aizawa happily crawled into Hizashi's arms and snuggled deeply into his chest, closing his eyes. Then, he started gently tracing his fingers along his back, knowing it will make him sleepy.

"Try and get some sleep for me hun," he said, kissing Aizawa's forehead. Aizawa nodded slowly, already half asleep. A couple minutes later, he fell into a deep sleep.

"Please get better soon. I love you sho."


Y'all I'm sorry this one took so long but I hope y'all enjoyed it😂😂😂😂

Y'all gon have to start leaving some of requests because I might run out of ideas soon😭😭

Anyways, I'll see y'all in the next one!!

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