Not sick

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Hey y'all! Welcome to the first sickfic of the book!
In this story, Shinso gets sick and Aizawa takes care of him.
Enjoy ☺️


It was a Saturday morning in the 1-A dorms. The current time was 8:00.

Shinso slowly opened his eyes, the sound of his alarm clock waking him up. He groaned as he sat up, turning off his alarm. Immediately, he noticed something was wrong. His throat was dry, he had a piercing headache, and his nose was stuffed up. He knew he was sick, but he had training with Aizawa.

He slowly dragged himself out of his bed, walking into his bathroom. When he turned on the light, he noticed that he was kinda pale and his face was flushed. He walked out of the bathroom, grabbing his clothes. By the time he was dressed and ready to go, an hour had passed.

As he made his way down the stairs, he saw Aizawa sitting in the common room. When he made his way to the bottom stairs, he finally spoke. "Good morning sir," he said sitting next to Aizawa, his voice hoarse. Aizawa looked him up and down, moving a little closer to him. "Are you okay, you don't look so good kid."

Shinso rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side sheepishly before coughing a bit. "I'm okay, just a little headache." Aizawa took his word for it, so they continued to the training grounds. When they got there, they started training immediately.

However, not even half way through, Shinso started having some trouble. Right now, he was working to improve his speed and agility, but he just couldn't. Aizawa took note of this and stopped him.

"Hey, let's take a break, okay? You really don't look good." Shinso shook his head. "I-I'm fine. I can keep going." Before he could try again, he fell to the ground, breaking into a coughing fit. Aizawa sighed and knelt down in front of him, pressing the back of his hand on Shinso's forehead and neck.

"You're burning up problem child! Why didn't you just tell me that you didn't feel well?" Shinso looked away, trying to avoid looking Aizawa in the eyes. "I-I didn't want you to think I was too weak for the hero course." Aizawa pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.

"It's okay to breaks every once in a while. Even some of the best heroes have sick days. Don't you know that you could make yourself worse training like this while you're sick."

"I'm sorry," Shinso said as he leaned into Aizawa's chest. Aizawa smiled softly. "It's okay kiddo. You have nothing to apologize for," he said, picking him up. "Let's go get some rest now." With those words, he fell asleep in Aizawa's arms as they returned to the dorms. 

When Shinso woke up, he was tucked into his bed with a cold cloth on his forehead. He groaned as he sat up slowly, looking around the room for Aizawa. After not seeing him anywhere, he decided to go check downstairs. He wrapped himself in his thick purple blanket and made his way downstairs.

When he made it downstairs, he saw Aizawa standing over the stove, stirring something in a pot. 1When he saw Shinso, he put down the spoon and walked over to him. "How are you feeling kiddo?" Shinso wrapped the blanket even tighter, shivering. "I feel like shit. And my throat feels like sandpaper."

Aizawa noticed how Shinso was shivering and guided him to the couch. "Just relax for now. I'll bring you some soup and tea in a bit," he said, walking away.

About five minutes later, Aizawa walked to Shinso with mug of tea and a bowl of soup. "Be careful, it's hot." Shinso smiled softly. "Thank you sir. You really don't have to take care me. I'm sure there something else you'd rather be doing." Aizawa shook his head, sitting down next to Shinso. "You're my student. There's no where else i'd rather be right now than taking care of you."

Shinso smiled, taking a sip of his tea. "Thank you sir."



I hope y'all enjoyed this one! I'll be back with more soon!! Leave a comment if you like them😊😊
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