Allergies (Papamic)

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Hey y'all. Imma just get straight into the story.

Btw, if y'all are reading these, thank you so much for reading and I hope y'all enjoy them.

In this story, Shinso has an allergy attack and Mic takes care of him.

Shinso couldn't wait to get home from school, but he still had two hours left. The pollen count was high and he had bad allergies. He had spent the whole day stifling sneezes and holding back coughing fits. His nose was stuffed and he had a headache, making it difficult to focus. And now he had to get through the outdoor training. Yay.

After he changed into his gym clothes, he took a few of his allergy pills, knowing his allergies would only get worse. Then he hurried outside so he wouldn't be late. The minute he stepped outside he regretted it. His nosed started running and his throat started itching really badly.

Shinso was grateful that they didn't have to do any sparring that day. They would only be doing individual work. However, halfway through training, it started storming, and they got to go home early. Shinso wasted no time packing his bag and grabbing his umbrella.

It took him about 30 minutes to get home. It wouldn't usually take him this long since he would always run, but he didn't have the energy. When he got home, he was tired and wet. He opened the front door, he saw his papa sitting on the couch with a blanket, reading a book.

When he saw Shinso come in, he immediately put his book down and went to greet him. "Hey toshi! Did you have a good day?" Shinso shook his head, rubbing his itchy and runny nose. Rubbing his nose only irritated it more, which sent him into the millionth sneezing fit of the day. "Bless you hunny. Have your allergies been this bad all day?"

"Pretty much. I've been sneezing and coughing all day. I took my medicine, but it didn't help at all. I just wanna lay down," he said. His voice was almost gone from clearing it all day. Mic felt his forehead, checking to see if he had a fever. He knew that Shinso would get low-grade fevers sometimes when his allergies were bad.

"You're already running a fever hunny. How about you go take a shower and go lay down, and then I'll bring you some tea to help with your throat." Shinso nodded, grabbing his bag and heading upstairs.

- -Time skip: brought to you by the author writing this at 4 am - -
After Shinso got out of the shower.

He put on his oversized purple hoodie and a pair of black shorts. Just as he was about to lay down, he felt another coughing fit coming on. It was short, but it still hurt his throat. Just as the fit ended, Mic walked in with a steaming cup of tea and a box of tissues. "Are you feelin any better toshi?" Shinso nodded, rubbing his nose. Mic set the tea and tissues on his desk and sat down on the edge of Shinso's bed. Shinso sipped his tea, the warm liquid soothing his throat.

"Do you need anything else, or are you good for now," he asked. Shinso blushed and looked away. "Can you maybe..lay with me for a bit?" Mic chuckled and nodded, climbing into the bed. Shinso immediately climbed over to him, laying on his chest. "You wanna try and get some rest now?" He nodded slowly grabbing a tissue and rubbing his nose with it before closing his eyes.

Y'all it's 5 am and the sun's about to rise and I haven't gone to sleep yet🫠🫠🫠 I don't know what the hell im doing staying up this late but here we are I guess🥱🥱
Anyways umm....bye

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