Welcome back

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Hey y'all welcome back! Sorry if the updates are kinda slow btw. Also, welcome to the first TodoDeku story of the book!!

In this story, Midoryia falls asleep while waiting for Todoroki to get back from a mission. They're still living in the dorms btw.

Without further ado, let's get started!!


It was 11:00 pm on a Sunday. Todoroki had just gotten back from a mission with a couple of other students.

Todoroki sighed tiredly as he walked in the door. "Home at last," he said, putting his bag down. He was just about to go to bed, when he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. 'Is that who I think it is?'

He walked closer to the sleeping Midoryia, smiling softly. He was currently sleeping in the corner of the couch, cuddled up in his favorite blanket.

Todoroki sat next to him and stroked his cheek with his thumb, trying to wake him up. "Zuzu, time to get up~." Midoryia groaned, slowly opening his eyes. "Hey sweetheart. Were you waiting for me?" He nodded rubbing his eyes. "Sorry I fell asleep sho. I didn't wanna go to sleep before you got here. Welcome back."

Todoroki smiled and planted a soft kiss on Midoryia's cheek. "It's alright my dear. Thank you for waiting for me. Are you ready for bed? You can sleep with me tonight if you want." Midoryia nodded sleepily, rubbing his eyes. Todoroki chuckled at how cute his boyfriend looked when he was sleepy.

He gently picked him up and carried him to his room, laying him down on the futon. After that, he went and took a nice hot shower. When he got back to his room, Midoryia was fast asleep. He closed the door gently, careful not to wake up his boyfriend, and then laid down next to him.

The minute he laid down, Midoryia laid on his chest, snuggling deeply into him. Todoroki blushed, kissing his head. "Sleep well love."


Hey y'all, I hope you enjoyed this as my as I enjoyed writing it, because BRO, this is probably one of my favorite stories I wrote!!

Anyways, I'll see y'all in the next one😊😊😊

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