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Hey y'all! I'm back with the second story!!
Ok, soooo in this story, Izuku has a really bad nightmare and ends up having an anxiety attack.

Also some things you should know:
Aizawa and Hizashi are Izuku's adopted father
Izuku has an anxiety disorder

I hope y'all enjoy!! 😊

It was the middle of the night. Everyone was sleeping peacefully. Well, almost everyone. Izuku was currently having a nightmare.

⚡️Hizashi's pov⚡️

I woke up around 1:30 a.m to get a glass of water. While I was doing that, I heard noises from Izuku's room. He sounded pretty upset, so I went to check on him. When I walked in, I saw him tossing and turning, whimpering and breathing heavily. I quickly went to turn his lamp on and then sat by him.

I started rubbing his back to try and comfort him. "S-Stop it! P-Please just listen to me. Please!" He started shaking and crying in his sleep.

"Izuku wake up, it's just a dream," I said, gently shaking him. He suddenly sat up quickly, his breathing heavy.

🌱Izuku's pov🌱

When I woke up, I immediately noticed how tight my chest felt and how shaky my hands were. I was nauseous and dizzy, and I couldn't breathe well at all. I knew this feeling all too well. 'Shit! Not now,' I thought to myself.

I didn't even notice papa was sitting next to me until he spoke. "Izuku, you have to breathe. You'll make yourself sick," he said, rubbing my back. I shook my head, my breathing getting worse as tears streamed down my face.

🐈‍⬛Aizawa's pov🐈‍⬛

I heard a lot of noise coming from Izuku's room. I also noticed that Hizashi was gone, so I decided to go check on them. When I got to Izuku's room, I immediately noticed that he was having an anxiety attack.

Hizashi looked at me with panic in his eyes. "Shota, it's a bad one. I can't get him to calm down," he said, his voice shaking. I nodded, walking over to Izuku. He was sitting on the floor, curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth. I crouched down in front of him. "Izuku can you hear me?" He nodded slowly.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" He nodded again, slowly uncurling himself. I pulling him into my lap hugging him and rubbing his back. "I need you to breathe, okay? Just follow my breathing, can you do that?" He shook his head, grabbing onto my chest. His breathing became more uneven.

"Can you please try, for me?" After I said that, he nodded slowly.

After about ten minutes, he was a little calmer. I could tell that he was still really anxious though. "Do you feel any better," I asked him. He shook his head, snuggling further into my chest. "Can you tell me how you're feeling right now. Take your time."

It took him a moment to respond. "Dizzy......chest.....hurts," he said. "That's okay, it'll pass," I said as I rubbed his back. "Do you wanna tell us what your dream was about? You don't have to, but it might help you feel better."

It took Izuku a few minutes to get his words out. "I-I don't.....wanna talk about it," he said as he sobbed into my chest. 'Shit! I don't need him getting worked up again.'

"Sssh it's okay bud, you're okay sssh." I started rubbing his back and head to comfort him. After he was done crying, I pulled away from him for a moment and wiped his eyes and nose with a tissue. After that, he clung to me again. I could see Hizashi smiling out of the corner of my eye. "Do you wanna go back to bed? We can stay with you if you'd like."

"T-That would be nice," he said.

✨end pov✨

And that's how the three of them ended up sleeping in the same bed, Hizashi on the outside, Aizawa on the inside, and Izuku in the middle.

Aizawa noticed that Izuku was falling asleep pretty quickly. He kissed him on the forehead, knowing how much he loved it. "Sleep well, Izuku."


Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed this one☺️☺️
Sorry if it was a little short.
I take requests btw so feel free to leave some

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