Chapter 12: Ok, so, she's a dog

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On the streets of New York, things were being cleared out and basically, and the Ghostbusters were getting police and military escort to 550 Central Park West.

"Come on!" said Seth, "Let's run some red light!!"

The sirens on all vehicles that had them turned on and were blaring as they headed to their destination, the crowd in the area cheering and clapping. Above 550 Central Park West, a storm was a brewin. And at the ground, nuns and priests were praying in hopes that they could slow down everything in time for the Ghostbusters. When the Ghostbusters arrived, the Ecto-1 screeched to a halt and the first one out was Seth.

"HELLO, NEW YORK!!" cheered Seth.

Everyone cheered for the Ghostbusters, and Seth said, "We'd better be getting overtime for this."

Titan and Sean went to the back, and pulled out the Proton Packs. Everyone quickly strapped them on, and Seth said, "Come on! We've got a date with a ghost!"

Just then, the sky above the building, the storm was getting worse and lightning was striking the roof as wind began picking up.

Suddenly, the area began shaking and chunks of the building fell off. Parts of the ground lifted up and holes were opened in the ground, luckily no one in the crowd was near any of the created holes, but the Ghostbusters weren't as lucky as they fell right into one and the shaking stopped.

However, they managed to climb out, and get into the building. 

"THERE THEY ARE!!" The crowd cheered for them, and David said, "No way we can do this."

"Come on!" said Braedey, "We've had worse odds before, why quit now?"

All the busters put their hands on top of each other before lifting them up into the air and heading into the building. In the building, they began going up several flights of stairs.

"How much further?" asked Titan.

"About.... 15 more levels," said Braedey.

"Okay," said Seth, "Someone tell me when we hit thirty, I'm gonna throw up."

On the roof, Zuul and Vinz got off of a stone bench of sorts they ad sat on as the sky was now getting more and more cloudy.

Soon, the Ghostbusters arrived at the top floor, and panted.

"Next time," said Seth, "We make sure the client lives closer to the ground."

"Where's her room?" panted Sean.

"End of the hall," said Seth.

When they reached what was Amy's room, they walked around a little, George looking down towards the ground in one of the holes before stepping away from the edge.

On the roof, as the sky got even MORE clouded, Zuul and Vinz stepped onto a couple of pedestals and began getting hit by a purple lightning from the top of the rooftop.

Sean then spotted something, and said, "Hey guys!! I found a staircase!"

"That must be where they headed," said Seth.

They go up the stairs and found themselves on the roof and saw the lightning, going to see what caused it. They saw the possessed Amy and Alissa starting to convulse around as they got coated in the purple lightning before getting on all fours.

"AMY!! ALISSA!!" cried Seth.

There was then a bright light and when it faded, the two possessed people were now Terror Dogs, demonic dog-like beasts that area the minions of the god Gozer.

There was then a bright light and when it faded, the two possessed people were now Terror Dogs, demonic dog-like beasts that area the minions of the god Gozer

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The terror dogs roared at the Ghostbusters, and ran towards the gate they just made.

"Okay," said Seth, "So, she's a dog. Both of them."

The Ghostbusters walked forward and looked through the gateway that led to a portal in another dimension entirely.

Then, from the doors, came a female figure, in clothing with slime like things on it, and beside her, was a familiar face.

"Tamara?" asked David.

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