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Hey readers I'm back... FOLLOW, COMMENT AND VOTE


It's been two days since she told him that she'll talk later.. yesterday he ignored all thoughts about her but today again he was thinking that why hasn't she contacted him yet.. various thoughts were clouding his mind as he had checked his phone 3 times and finally he texted her

-JAI- the way I'm still waiting

And he kept his phone on the table and engaged himself in his work in which he had zero concentration.. he'd never made first moves.."maybe I'll sound despo" he thought in his mind

After a few minutes he got a notification...he checked his phone only to find it was her message..or maybe her reply to his message

Hey.. didn't think you would be waiting and tbh i thought you would forget about it

I don't think I have such a bad memory


By the way what's your age if I may ask

Well.. I'm 22 ( she lied ..AgAiN)
What about you?

I'm 24 ..and what do you do

I'm a student persuing M.des, I'm into designing and stuff uk..
What about you!?

And I'm a freelancer (this time he lied)

Oh that's about ur interests and hobbies?

I'm not much of a picker tbh...i just love chilling and a peaceful life

That's amazing..

Are you still not comfortable enough to tell ur name


any particular reason for it cause I'm comfortable with sharing my identity

Let's just say.. I'm not an easy person when it comes to trusting anyone like who knows who you are or what might be your motives..i mean I'm kinda freaked out cause of what internet is capable of what i mean

Oh i get it...i was just curious..take your time and were you serious when you said you've never done this before

Yes and why you're asking so?

I mean you are 22 and like you've never done this ...i just wanna ask that are you talking about online dating or uk sexting ...I mean you can be honest

Well..i haven't done any of it😶‍🌫️, I'm being honest...what am I afraid of , your damn opinion you don't know who I am so ig I have no reason to lie...wbu how many girls have you dated

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