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Hey readers I'm back....TBH KOI READERS HAIN HI Nhi....



It has been weeks now since they are talking while Dhaara has developed a habit of talking to him everyday and tell him all that had happened in the whole day whereas Jai day by day is getting more obsessed with her

He hasn't realised how he is always on his phone chatting and smiling while people around him watch the most serious and focused man distracted by his phone even during his meetings he keeps on checking his phone

Again he was busy chatting with Dhaara when he sensed someone behind him ..he swiftly turned around and stood up in his defencive mode only to see Angad smirking at him

"You've been busy on your phone and didn't notice me entering!?" He asked frowning

"Well..i was busy " stated Jai

"Yeah ? were clearly chatting with someone I could hear the typing and you humming..who was it?.." Angad asked curiously

"Stop poking your nose into the business that doesn't concerns you" Jak spoke in a clear stern voice

"Anyways.... I'm here to tell you we're going to my club it's opening is today" he instructed only he's the one who can boss Jai around

"Fine I'll complete my the work that's left before we leave for your club" Jai said plainly

"I hope the left over work doesn't have to do anything with the person you were chatting with" Angad said in a sarcastic tone before passing one his asshole smirk while going out of his office

He left Dhaara a message saying that he would be out with his friend today so if he doesn't answer she understands and started to wind up the work and soon left for the club .

As they reached there they both were greeted by some people...Angad introduced Jai to some of his work partners...and soon Jai noticed the asshole and immediately turned to Angad and asked

" What is this fucker doing here? You invited him?" He asked in frustration

"Do you really think I would invite this bastard..huh" Angad said in disbelief

Soon they saw Aashish moving forwards them with his dirty grin

"Hello brother..what a surprise you're here too" Aashish greeted Jai and it was clear he's had enough drinks

"But I was invited here unlike you, brother" Jai said in a taunting tone while emphasising on the word brother

" Oh c'mon my brother's best friend..means my best there's no need for any invitation " he said keeping a hand on Angad's shoulder

"Oh but you do need invitation otherwise people without invitation are usually thrown out " said Angad in a threatening voice while removing his hand from his shoulder

" Oh but there won't be any invitation required when I snatch everything from will see my wrath that day" he sneered showing his true colours

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