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It was still early in the morning when Dhaara stirred in her sleep and with closed eyes reached out for her phone , after finding it she squint her eyes to see the time and stood up after sometime...after freshening up and getting ready she still had sometime left so she went to the kitchen...and took out all the ingredients required to bake a chocolate cake after 25 minutes the cake batter was ready and she settled the the container into the microwave

After 2 minutes she took the utensil out and sprinkled some choco chips on them and baked it for 2 more minutes and that she started making toasts and tea that's when her mom came and said

"You're up? I didn't realise" she said

" I didn't mean to disturb you... anyways I'm done with breakfast and there's your breakfast, also I've kept some cake that I baked for you..bye bye mummy" she said picking up her bag and was about to leave when her mother stopped her and hugged her tightly

Dhaara kissed her on forehead and left for the day after bowing her head in the temple

After getting out of the station she looked around and again found him waiting in the car and as he saw her he walks up to open the door for her and she got in..

"Hello!" She said

" Hello ji... you're looking fresh" he said in an amused time

"Yop i woke up early today and baked cake" she said

" bake?" He sounded surprised

" Yess...wanna taste?" She asked in a low voice

"YE BHI KOI PUCHNE KI BAAT HAI" he said excitedly and Dhaara opened her bag and took out a container and a spoon and opened the container and handing it to him ( OFCOURSE!)

" Mhmmmm....oh my... it's so delicious" he said after taking a bite

"Really?" She asked smiling

" Yesss!!!'s really soft and melted chocolate in between... AMAZING!" He definitely liked the cake

"Thank you" she said

" I should be the one thanking..and I'm eating this you can bake yourself another one please " he said

" Keep your eyes on the road"she said taking out another spoon from her bag to which he smiled and said

"So you did bring it for me huh" he said smirking

" I brought it for Kashish..but anyways, let me at least take a bite" she said and he forwarded the container to her but eyes still on road and soon the car came to hault and she hurriedly picked up her bag which fell down earlier and keeps her spoon in the bag as she closes the door and is about to turn she noticed two eyes glaring her and Jai follow her eyes and see that there's a guy coming in their direction and he gets out and walks over to her and that guy is none other than Harsh and he takes a turns toward the college gate still glaring them

" Who's he?" He asked in a serious tone

"Remember that guy in the canteen I told you about.. that's him" she said plainly

"Did he do anything else after that day? " He asked, his voice cold

" Nothing but once he asked about you..that who's the guy that comes to pick me up and drop me..but I told him to fuck off and since then he's in his limits, don't worry " She said in very Frank tone to convince him

" should go now and take care and if something is wrong call me directly " he said sternly looking dead into her eyes

" Chill out" she said and starting walking after a few seconds she looked back to find him still watching her

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