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Yesterday I was quite surprised as I did expect her to let me drop her without an argument.. i truly didn't want for her to take a public transport as it was quite late and she was tired too but I also promised her to take things slow so I had no choice, I am quite relieved thinking that she at least had a peacefully sleep last night

Just as I was occupied with her thoughts my phone buzzed and it was her which was very unexpected

Good morning

Good morning i dreaming or are you seriously texting me first

-DHAARA- you seriously think that low of me huh?...and yes i texted you, so wassup.. any plans for the day?

Well I have some work later on but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna see you today... don't worry I'll be waiting for you at the station 😉

Good to know..even i wanted to see you today..

Oh my god what has gotten into her,

Are you okay or are you drunk

Haha ...if you have a weak memory then let me remind you that you wanted to take things slow...and to be honest I don't see any harm in that..yet

Oh trust me this is gonna be the best decision of your life.

I've to go now

Yeah me too..see you soon 🙃

And I start getting ready and today is a very special day so rather than suiting up i decided to go with the casuals and headed straight towards my car and and after approx 15 minutes I was there waiting for her

I was busy in my phone when i I saw a notification from her

Look in front..Mr. Sharma

And i looked in front where she was standing and once again all I had to say about her was "surreal" how can someone be this beautiful, elegant and real at the same time..the cream floral sundress with half open hair was suits her so very much..I got out and went around and opened the door for her without saying much she sat in the car and as i sat in the car i spoke as i wasn't able to stop myself anymore

"You look ji"i said looking at her to which she smile and her the oriental fragrance of her perfume filled the atmosphere around us...

" Thank you for noticing" she replied

" Oh trust me all I ever do when I'm around you is notice you... It's quite hard to take my eyes off of you, trust me" i whispered cause she needs to know that she affects me in so many ways even I'm still figuring out

She's looking at me in complete shock with her very audible heavy breaths..there are no words but I get it and I'm in no hurry

" don't need to answer that, i just want to let you know what I feel and this will never be just an infatuation" I spoke in the softest tone which I also never imagined I had one

"You look quite handsome yourself by the way"she complemented me and i smirked in my mind and answered her

" Oh i know..taken the way you were looking at me" i teased her

" Oh please don't flatter yourself " she said frowning and looked out of the window and i started driving after a few minutes we reached her college but I have some different plans and i drove past it

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