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After wiping the Alpha's back with warm water Jimin kisses and licks the wounds on his back, Jimin's Omega was sad seeing their Alpha injured that he forgot to talk to him about another matter

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After wiping the Alpha's back with warm water Jimin kisses and licks the wounds on his back, Jimin's Omega was sad seeing their Alpha injured that he forgot to talk to him about another matter.

He made sure that his Alpha was fine before he left him alone in the bedroom to re-heat the food.

The Alpha was silent as usual, Jimin also didn't dare to ask about the accident as he thought he will ask him later.

The Alpha helped him to wash dishes even after so many protests from the Omega but a glare is enough form the Alpha to the Omega who instantly stopped arguing and looked down.

When the Omega was wiping dishes, the Alpha was hugging him from behind snuggling into his neck and nibbling on the scent gland making the Omega go wild inside him.

Jimin's hands were shaking as he was carefully holding the plates, he was scared that he will dropped it if the Alpha do something more and just then a spoon fell from his hand when the Alpha inserted his hand in Jimin's shirt.

The Omega's breath hitched as he placed the spoon back. He didn't have energy to lift any plates right now. But then his eyes snapped open when he realised that he has to talk to the Alpha about something. He tried to stop himself from letting out any voice as the Alpha caressed his skin. "uh... A-Alpha, I have to tell you something." The Omega wimpered.

Jungkook stopped his actions as he turned the Omega towards himself. "What is it?" He uttered directly in the Omega's ear making him shiver. Jimin couldn't let out any word as he kept looking down. The Alpha lifted the Omega's face.

"Umm.. Isuel came after you left." Jimin mumbled in a low voice.

"Did he troubled you?" Jimin immediately shook his head at the Alpha's question.

Don't get his Alpha wrong, his Alpha also likes pups just like Jimin. "Why would he trouble me?" Jimin asked with a pout.

The Alpha leaned down to kiss his lips making the Omega blush profusely. "Then?"

"I asked him why he doesn't come in whenever you are here.. and he said.. he is scared of you." Jimin blinked as he looked up at his Alpha.

"And why?" The Alpha asked smirking.

"H-He.." Jimin found himself stuttering as he gulps. "He is really scared of you.." Jimin didn't know how to say what's bothering him, but he knows very well that if he tells the Alpha then Alpha will make sure Jimin scream even more louder. Jimin sighed.

"Oh? Then I will make sure to scare him even more so he doesn't trouble you.. pups are troublemakers." The Alpha said pulling the Omega closer.

Jimin frowned. "He is just a pup Alpha.. and no pups are cute." Jimin pouted as he was dragged by his Alpha in their bedroom.

"You are the only one who is cute in my eyes." The Alpha said as he pulled the strings of Jimin's tunic.

Jimin's eyes widened in panick. "You are injured." The Omega tried to make excuses, but it was too late.

"Are you doubting my stamina Omega?"

To be Continued.

A/n :- My People, today something unfortunate happened to me 😢

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A/n :- My People, today something unfortunate happened to me 😢

Don't be upset if the updates are not regular. I am just sad and don't know how to focus on anything.😓

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