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"I think I need a break

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"I think I need a break." Jimin cried out when the Alpha pulled him by his leg on their bed.

"Did you forget we are working hard on something, and we shouldn't stop until we achieve it." The Alpha grins as he bites the Omega's cheeks.

"It doesn't mean that we have to do it all the times." The Omega whines cutely as he tried to push the Alpha away.

The Alpha's grip around Jimin tightened as he hovered over the Omega. "Of course, we have to love." The Alpha kissed his neck making the Omega mewl.

"It's just been two days, Alpha. It will take time." The Omega said titling his neck as he was enjoying the sloppy kisses.

"It will not, if the Omega is knotted properly." The Omega scoffed hearing the Alpha.

"There's not a day..." He huffs as he couldn't complete his sentence, he couldn't win against his shameless and passionate Alpha so there's no use of argument.

The Alpha stopped kissing, as he looked up at the Omega with a smirk. "Not a day, what? Tell me." The Alpha asked in a teasing tone.

"You are such a bully." Jimin pouted, his heart is fluttering in his chest as he looked away from the Alpha.

"And you are such a cutie." The Alpha nuzzles his nose into the Omega's cheeks making him giggles.

"Aren't you getting late for your duty?" The Omega asked pushing the Alpha on the bed as he laid down on top of him placing his face in the crook of the Alpha's neck.

"Don't want to leave my beautiful Omega." The Alpha said circling his arms around the Omega waist locking him in his embrace.

"Then don't go.." The Omega said nuzzling into the Alpha's neck.

The Alpha sighed heavily.

The Omega kisses the Alpha's neck. "It's okay, we are getting a lot of time soon anyway." The Omega coaxed the Alpha cradling his face between his small palms as he kisses his lips softly. "Then, we can work hard as much as you want."

"Hmm.." The Alpha hugged the Omega tightly before flipping their position, making the Omega lay under himself. "I have changed your old furs to new ones, make sure to cover yourself properly." The Alpha said sternly making the Omega nod obediently.

After the Alpha left for his duty, isuel was in their cabin after two days, Jimin hasn't seen the little pup since the event and now he was happy seeing the pup after two days, they were snuggles up in the Omega's nest while Isuel tell him that he couldn't visit because he fell sick after the event night since he ate too much spicy food.

"But, what happened to you jiminie, you look sick." Isuel asked as he looked at the Omega with a cute pout.

"I am not sick, I am just tired." The Omega bit his lips as he nodded his head.

"Is Alpha Jeon making you do a lot of work?" Isuel asked leaving the Omega speechless, Jimin blushed furiously as he shook his head.

"Umm.. do you want to eat something? My Alpha has baked cookies for me, I think we can share." Isuel's ears perked up and mouth watering as he nodded at Jimin.

"Jiminie, I think your Alpha Jeon is not that bad." The pup said as he climbed out of the Omega's bed and excitedly walked towards the kitchen area.

Jimin laughed as he winces getting out of the nest, his Alpha has really making him work hard.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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