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"Jiminie, you know

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"Jiminie, you know. When you left me with my mother, there was an old granny who saw you with me and she was asking about you a lot, she was so happy after seeing you." Isuel said as munched on the delicious cookies Alpha Jeon had baked.

Jimin's eyes lit up as he heard Isuel, but he was also confused thinking who the lady was or why she is asking about him now after two years, when they didn't even look at him. "Do I know her? Did she told you something about me?" The Omega asked curiously.

"Hmm, she said you used to help her in her pack duties and also that you are the most kind and beautiful Omega of this pack and now she missed you." Jimin's eyes sting with tears, he gulped down the lump forming in his throat.

He remembered he used to help a lot of old ladies with their pack duties because he didn't have any work so he used to pass his day in learning about herbs and helping others and of course all of them used to tell him that he is very kind and beautiful.

"Can you tell me her name?" Jimin asked hopefully as the pup shook his head.

"I don't know her name, she said you are still beautiful like a little chick and there were two more grannies who were smiling while talking about you." The Omega blushes, as now he can tell who was that old granny who used to call him a 'little chick', but it doesn't make sense to him, why they are asking about him to others, why can't they all look at him and talk to him directly what's stopping them from coming to him?

"Jiminie." Jimin snapped out of his thoughts hearing the pup's small voice, the pup was close to him as he wiped Jimin's eyes. "Don't be sad. It's not like they are angry at you, it's not your fault.. they are just scared of your Alpha." Isuel explained with a pout caressing the Omega's cheeks who frowned.

"Why are you blaming my Alpha, he is innocent." The Omega complained and Isuel rolled his eyes making the Omega look at him in disbelief. "What?" The Omega asked.

"He is innocent? Really Jiminie?" The pup  scoffed.

To say Jimin was really offended. "He is, puppy." He said confidently.

The pup huffed as he didn't want to make the Omega sad. "Jiminie, I think you don't know, but the truth is that they don't talk to you or approach you because... they are scared of your Alpha.. your Alpha Jeon doesn't like when other people talk to you." The Omega's frown deepened hearing the pup, nothing makes sense to him but he thinks considering everything, it makes sense, how the Alpha never let him talk to others, or he didn't take him to the pack grounds unless it was some important event or meeting with his friends, he also didn't let the Omega talk to his parents.

Seems like, tonight the Alpha has to do lots of explaining.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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