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"umm... Do you know that I wanted to tell you something for a long time but I couldn't." Jimin said nervously looking at the Alpha who was already above him to devour him.

"Not again... What is it?" The Alpha asked looking down at the Omega with serious gaze who gulps.

"So... Once Isuel said that... You are not a good Alpha and..."

"And?" The Alpha raised an eyebrow.

"Umm... F-Forget it." The Omega said as he shook his head.

"Tell me, right now or I know how to make you talk." The Alpha warned looking at the fully clothed Omega under him.

"Uh... Can I no-" Jimin bit his lower lip as he cursed himself. "So... In that pack... Isuel has heard us." Jimin closed his eyes in embarrassment.

The Alpha has confused expressions. "He heard what? What are you talking about?"

"I am not going to make you understand." The Omega said dismissing-ly as he pressed his lips against the Alpha to distract him.

"Tell me or I will suck the life out of you." The Alpha said smirking.

Jimin's eyes widened. "You are shameless, I am with pup, how can you talk like this."

"And how did I put it inside you, did you forget?" The Alpha asked snugly as he placed his head in the Omega's neck.

"You.. I don't know what to do with you... Okay you w-want to know... Isuel said your Alpha is bad because he made you cry every night." Jimin closed his eyes just as he completed his words, it was a pin drop silence for some moments, before the Omega was again screaming and crying out of pleasure.


"I got the letter, from Namjoon Hyung they will be here in two weeks." Hearing the Alpha Jimin ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

The Alpha wanted to scold him for still running and being clumsy after being six months pregnant but he count when his chubby Omega was already sniffling.

"What happened? Are you feeling dizzy? Should I call the healer?" The Alpha asked with worried expressions as Jimin shook his head.

"I am just happy... I missed them so much." Jimin voice muffled against the Alpha's chest as he spoke.

"I know you missed them, they wanted to travel early but it wasn't safe for their son. So I told them to take their time and travel when everyone is healthy." The Alpha explained making the Omega nod his head in understanding.

"I can't wait to see their son. Hoseok Hyung will be here when it was my time, I will be more calm in his presence." The Omega said caressing his 7 months old swollen belly.

"I will be there with you too. So, don't worry My love." The Alpha said assuring the Omega who smiled at him.

"Thank you Alpha." He smiled beautifully at the Alpha who again pulled him into a hug and bites his cheek making the Omega whines.

Biting Omega's cheeks has became his favourite habit as the Omega has gained some weight which makes him look even more cute than he already is.

"I will make sure your cheeks will remain like this." The Alpha stated pinching his cheeks softly.

The Omega scoffed. "It's not, after the pup will born-"

"You didn't need to think about it, I will take care of it."

"But how? You already know how Omega's body works, right? After giving birth my body shape will change like it was before."

"Don't worry, I won't let it change." The Alpha said confidently.

"How are you so sure?"

"By keeping you full with my pups always." And Jimin really felt dizzy this time.

The End.

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