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"What happened?" The Alpha asked stroking Jimin's cheeks softly

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"What happened?" The Alpha asked stroking Jimin's cheeks softly.

The Omega shook his head, he remembered washing his face properly to remove any trace of tears and he took his time playing with Isuel so that his red eyes and nose turned back to the original pale colour so the Alpha didn't suspect him, but guess what sometimes Jimin forget that mate can sense each other's emotions even from miles away.

"You sure you are not hiding anything from me?" The Alpha asked lightly pinching Jimin's nose who winced slapping the Alpha's hand away.

"Okay, I was sad. I miss Jin Hyung... The pup might have already come to the world." Jimin said with dreamy eyes as if he has already imagined how Namjin pup's looked like. "I am sure the pup is handsome as Namjoon Hyung."

"Oh? Really? Namjoon Hyung is handsome?" He heard the Alpha asked, Jimin eagerly nodded his head.

"And smart too, unlike those stubborn and stupid Alpha's." The Omega said glancing at the Alpha who was eyeing him with serious gaze making the Omega burst into giggles as he ran towards their cabin.

"Hey, Omega! Don't run... Come back here." The Alpha warned but Jimin ran inside the cabin followed by the Alpha from behind. "What did you said?" Jungkook asked with stern voice just as he entered inside their cabin, but to his suprise he has pushed against the wooden door by the Omega who boldly kissed him wrapping his arms around the Alpha's shoulders as he pulled him closer. The Alpha grabbed his waist possessively and growls making the Omega whimper. "Who are those stubborn and stupid Alphas?" The Alpha wishpers against the Omega's mouth as he bit Jimin's lip lightly.

The Omega moans, he looked at the Alpha with his half opened eyes. "My Alpha is so stubborn." He kissed the Alpha's lips again, their scent was thick inside the cabin. "And stupid." Heat started to bubble up inside them as they could feel each other's hot arousal. "And mine." The Alpha desperately chased the Omega's lips who turned his face another side as the Alpha ended up burying his face in the Omega's neck. "My heaven." Jimin's eyes rolls back when the Alpha bite his neck harshly, like he again wants to dig his fangs in the Omega's scent gland.

"And you are mine." The Alpha squeezed the Omega ass as he picked him up feeling the Omega's thin cloak wet from his slick, their arousal rubbing into each other making them desperate to have each other again and again.

"Alpha... I love you, I love you so much, thank you for loving me unconditionally. I feel so lucky to have you all for myself." The Omega expressed his gratitude, as he continued to kiss the Alpha who was busy in removing their furs and cloak.

"Love you too, my love. Love you to the moon and back, I promise to love and protect you and our pups all my life. Just trust me like you always do." The Alpha wishpers before placing the very naked Omega in their nest.

The Omega hissed when the cold air hits his bare skin, he pulled the Alpha over his body. "Alpha... It's c-cold." The Alpha chuckled looking at his trembling.

"This is your punishment for praising another Alpha in front of your own Alpha."

The Omega's eyes widened as he tried to grab the fur but the Alpha didn't let him. He glares at Jungkook. "Just now you promised you will protect me. Protect me from this cold." He moaned as the Alpha warm lips touched his sensitive cold skin.

"Which part of your body is the most cold? Let me warm that first."

"You are cruel! Ahh..uh!"

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