Memory Bliss

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Takemichi's heart drummed against his chest as he edged towards the cluster of 3rd years, their laughter creating an invisible barrier around Ayame. Her bright laughter faded into silence as the group noticed him—Takemichi Hanagaki—approaching her with uncharacteristic boldness. The air thickened with tension as eyes wide with disbelief fixated on him; whispers wilted into hushed murmurs.

"Hey, Ayame," he called out, his voice betraying none of the nervousness that knotted his stomach.

The chatter ceased abruptly, a dozen pairs of eyes swiveling toward him in disbelief. Takemichi could almost hear their collective thoughts: Why was he, a second year, addressing Ayame so familiarly? The air bristled with silent questions, but he pushed through the discomfort.

"Um, I was wondering... could you help me out with math?" His voice wobbled slightly, but he managed a hopeful smile.

Her lips curled into a gentle smile, a stark contrast to the stern looks from her peers. "Sure, we can study at my place," she replied, her casual demeanor cutting through the tension.

Takemichi felt the weight of the third years' gazes on his back, but the fluttering in his stomach wasn't from nerves alone. There was a hope, a possibility that if he learned more from her, he could alter what was to come.

As they walked side by side, Takemichi couldn't help but mutter, "Are you sure it's okay with Mikey if I come over?" His question held more weight than just concern over a study session.

She glanced at him, a hint of mischief in her eyes and laughed lightly, "He's tied up with something else today," she said, a playful note in her voice that hinted at secrets he wasn't privy to. "You don't have to worry about him."

Relief washed over him. 'So that's why Mikey wasn't picking her up today.'

They reached her home, a silent abode that seemed too large for its quietude. Slipping off their shoes at the entrance Ayame's voice rang out, "Mom, you here?" No response came. With a shrug, she led Takemichi past the genkan, where shoes lay neatly aligned, into the heart of her personal world.

She proceeded to the kitchen. Takemichi heard the clink of glasses and the rustle of packaging as she prepared refreshments.

"Come on," she beckoned, leading him towards her room.

Crossing the threshold, the scent of lavender greeted them and Takemichi's breath hitched. He was actually inside Ayame's sanctuary—the coolest girl in the 3rd year—and every detail fascinated him. Posters adorned the walls, personal effects were meticulously arranged, stacks of manga lay neatly on shelves and a soft aroma that he associated with Ayame lingered in the air. He thought of Akkun and the envy that would flare in his eyes if he knew where Takemichi was now.

His attention was drawn to a series of photographs lined up on a dresser. There was Ayame with Mikey and Draken, their smiles infectious, surrounded by familiar faces from Toman; another frame captured a tender moment between Mikey and Ayame, oblivious to the camera as their lips locked in a kiss that spoke volumes about their bond. Then, a picture of Ayame beaming beside Emma, both girls wrapped in an embrace, pure joy etched on their features.

But it was the last photo that caught Takemichi's eye – Ayame hugging a guy with jet-black hair, someone unfamiliar yet exuding a familial bond. "Who's this?" he asked, pointing to the picture, curiosity coloring his tone.

Ayame followed his gaze, her lips curving into a fond smile. "That's me and my brother," she said simply, her tone laced with a hint of nostalgia.

"Your brother, huh?" Takemichi mulled over the image, the revelation adding a new layer to Ayame's already complex world. He tucked away every scrap of information, knowing each piece was a thread in the tapestry of the future he desperately sought to change.

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