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Dust swirled and debris flew as a cacophony of yells and the harsh clanging of metal echoed through the air. The fight had escalated quickly, an eruption of chaos amidst the Tokyo Manji gang and Valhalla. Amidst the frenzy, Chifuyu's instincts kicked in as he now joined the fight; his eyes darted across the battlefield until they locked on Ayame's figure, her silhouette standing out like a beacon of calm in the violent storm.

With purpose, he weaved through the fighters, dodging a wild punch here, an errant kick there. His hand shot out, fingers closing around Ayame's wrist with a firm grip that was both a lifeline and a warning. He pulled her back, grounding her to the spot beside him, away from the unpredictable flurries of fists and feet. "Stay here," he commanded, the order underlaid with a protective fervor that echoed Mikey's concern for her safety.

Under Mikey's strict directive, he was to ensure no harm came to her amidst the chaos. As they huddled together on top of an abandoned car, Chifuyu could feel the pulse of Ayame's heartbeat through the thin fabric of her sleeve—a rapid, delicate thrum that spoke of adrenaline and fear.

The scene before him blurred momentarily as his mind catapulted backward. He remembered another fight, not too different from this one, where he had first locked eyes with Baji. The guy had been an odd mix of nerdy defiance, his battered glasses askew as he threw punches above his weight class. Chifuyu had laughed at him then, but respect had soon replaced ridicule when Baji's tenacity had turned the tide of the scuffle.

"Thanks," Baji had grunted afterward, wiping blood from his split lip. Chifuyu found himself nodding, wordlessly accepting the silent offer to join the Tokyo Manji gang under Baji's wing.

Their bond had strengthened quickly, both living in the same unremarkable apartment complex at the time, navigating the mundanity of their existence together. It was on the rusted swings of the dilapidated playground where they would spend hours talking about everything and nothing—those moments now etched into Chifuyu's heart as his favorite times.

A shiver brought him back to the present, to Ayame's hand still clasped in his. How different she was from her brother, yet so inexplicably intertwined in his life. The day he'd first stepped into Baji's home, he'd been struck by the familiar sight of her, the girl who'd always been a quiet presence at Toman meetings, her gaze laser-focused on Mikey.

Their friendship had blossomed effortlessly, like a secret shared between knowing glances. He couldn't pinpoint when admiration had tipped into the dangerous territory of a crush, but it had, and the realization was as sharp as the shards of glass that littered the ground around them.

"Chifuyu, watch out!" Ayame's cry snapped him back to the immediate danger.

He pulled her closer, shielding her body with his own. They were safe for now, but Chifuyu couldn't escape the memory of that afternoon walk to pick up Ayame from school. Baji, ever observant, had caught the longing looks Chifuyu cast toward her laughing figure ahead of them.

"Hey, you've been quiet," Baji remarked one day as they walked to fetch Ayame from school. The street stretched before them, a canvas of everyday life that they traversed with ease.

"Ah, nothing," Chifuyu deflected, his eyes betraying him as they followed Ayame's figure ahead.

"Come on, spit it out," Baji prodded, a teasing edge to his voice. Chifuyu could only stammer, words failing him as they often did when matters of the heart were concerned.

"Got a thing for my sister?" Baji had ribbed, an elbow nudging Chifuyu's ribs. Baji sighed, rolling his eyes, "I see the way you look at her."

"Wha—no, man, I'm just..." Chifuyu stuttered, cheeks betraying him with a flush.

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