Blood In The Darkness

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Rain pelted the asphalt, each drop splattering against the growing pool of red that encircled Draken's motionless form. Takemichi's breath caught in his throat as he stumbled upon his friend, Draken, lying there, a knife wound weeping crimson. Emma and Ayame were already there, their sobs piercing the stormy night as they clung to each other, frantic and helpless.

"Mikey!" Takemichi shouted over the rain's din, his voice strained with panic. Mikey was only a few steps away, locked in a fierce glare with Hanma who had materialized like a specter from the shadows.

"Draken!" Emma's voice cracked. Their hands trembled, desperately shaking his broad shoulders in a futile attempt to rouse him. Sobs choked their cries, the name 'Draken' becoming a haunting mantra between them.

"Hey, Taka... what's going on?" Mikey, still embroiled in combat, cast a glance over his shoulder, his usual stoic demeanor faltering at the scene unfolding behind him.

Takemichi's mouth felt like it was filled with cotton as he struggled to reply. "It's Draken. I think he's..." He swallowed hard, fighting back panic. "Kyomasu stabbed him. In the stomach."

Mikey's eyes blazed with a dangerous intensity. With every ounce of his will, he tried to break free from the melee, eager to reach his fallen friend. Ayame's sobs grew louder as she clutched Draken's limp hand, her tears mixing with the rain.

"Move," Mikey growled, his fists clenched, eyes never leaving Hanma's taunting smirk.

"Mikey! He's alive!" Takemichi's shout cut through the storm, hope lacing his urgent cry.

In that instant, Mikey's heart surged. A cough, ragged and weak, confirmed what Takemichi had seen. Draken was hanging on by a thread.

"Get him out of here, Takemichi "Take care of Draken and the girls, Taka!" Mikey commanded without looking back, even as he dodged a vicious swing from Hanma. "I'll handle this!"

Takemichi hesitated for a mere second before nodding, his resolve hardening. Gently, he slid his arms beneath Draken's large frame, hoisting him onto his back with a grunt. The weight was significant, but the fear of losing a friend lent him strength he didn't know he possessed.

"Come on, we have to get him to a hospital!" he called over his shoulder to the girls, who trailed behind, their faces ghostly in the flashing lightning.

Draken's chest rose and fell shallowly, a sign that life still clung to him. Takemichi's resolve hardened.

"An ambulance is coming!" Hinata yelled, her voice breaking through the turmoil.

Takemichi nodded, relief momentarily flooding his senses. But it was short-lived, as the unmistakable figures of Masataka Kiyomasu and his gang loomed ahead, their silhouettes ominous against the streetlights' glow. Fear clawed at Takemichi's insides; this was the kind of confrontation he'd once run from.

Draken's eyelids fluttered, and he mumbled something inaudible before gaining enough strength to grasp Takemichi's soaked jacket. "You gotta... run, take the girls and get out," he urged weakly, his breaths labored.

That familiar urge to flee threatened to consume Takemichi, but he quelled it with the memories of the life he'd lost to fear. He couldn't fail Draken or himself again—not this time.

"Kyomasu!" Takemichi called out, his voice louder than the storm. "This isn't over between us!"

Kiyomasu laughed, a cruel sound that cut through the downpour. "You're insane, Takemichi. You think you can take me on?"

"Hey, I didn't lose our one-on-one," Takemichi shot back, his heart pounding in his chest. "This is my revenge."

From the corner of his eye, he saw Draken crack a faint smile, despite his pain. Hinata gripped Emma's hand tightly, while Ayame wiped away her tears, all three betting on him, their eyes filled with an unwavering belief. It bolstered Takemichi's courage, rooting him to the spot. He wasn't just fighting for himself; he was standing for everyone who believed in him.

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