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Takemichi's footsteps stalled as he neared the park, his mind a tangled web of worry and hesitation over what to reveal to Mikey. The cool morning air did little to ease the heat of anxiety coiling in his stomach. That's when he heard the gravelly voice, worn but insistent, calling out to him from the swings.

"Hey, you gonna keep walking all day or what?"

Takemichi glanced over, squinting at the figure slumped on the swing. The man's face was a bruised tapestry, eyes swollen, lips split. He didn't recognize him until the stranger mentioned Baji, and revealed himself as Chifuyu Matsuno, 1st Division Vice Captain. Memories clicked into place; this was the same guy Baji had been wailing on just yesterday and Ayame helped patch up at her house.

"Sit," Chifuyu said, patting the swing beside him with a hand that bore knuckles scabbed over from recent fights. "You should be thankful."

With a wary sigh, Takemichi complied, the metal chains creaking under his weight. "Why should I be thankful?" he asked, his voice a mix of confusion and indignation.

"Because you really screwed up yesterday," Chifuyu grunted, pain flickering across his features as he shifted. "Baji took the fall for you. If it wasn't for him, the rest of Toman would've given you more than just a bad day."

"Wait, why would Baji do that for me?" Takemichi's brow furrowed, his concern deepening.

"Joining Valhalla... it isn't about bringing down Toman." Chifuyu's gaze hardened, a steel edge beneath the bruises. "It's bigger than that. It's about exposing Tetta Kisaki."

The gravity of Chifuyu's words settled on Takemichi like a leaden cloak, as they started walking in somber silence towards their meeting place, each lost in their own thoughts.

When they arrived at Shinichiro's grave, the solemnity of the place wrapped around them. Mikey, Ayame, and Draken stood like silent sentinels, each paying their respects. Chifuyu hesitated before approaching, his eyes briefly meeting Ayame's. Her smile was strained, her attention returning swiftly to the tombstone adorned with fresh flowers.

"Hi, Ayame," Chifuyu managed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Hello, Chifuyu," she replied, the effort in her greeting palpable against the weight of grief that hung in the air.

Mikey's voice cut through the quiet, his tone carrying an ache that mirrored the one in his heart. "Baji and Kazutora... they never meant to kill him. But that doesn't change the fact that my brother is gone."

Takemichi watched as Ayame's hands trembled slightly, placing another flower, her sigh whispering through the leaves like a secret sorrow.

"Kazutora's mistake is something I can't forgive. Nor can I forgive Baji for siding with him," Mikey continued, his gaze lingering on the engraved name of his lost brother.

Ayame stayed silent, her eyes glassy as she absorbed the words, caught between her affection for Shinichiro and the turmoil wrought by her brother and Kazutora.

"Caught in the middle of everything..." Mikey's voice softened, his eyes finding Ayame's before settling on Takemichi. "What is it you're trying to do, bringing Chifuyu here and not Baji? What do you want to achieve?"

The question hung heavy in the air, demanding an answer that Takemichi knew could shift their fates irreversibly.

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Present: 2017

The sterile scent of disinfectant mingled with the stench of despair as Takemichi stepped through the heavy metal doors of the prison. His sneakers echoed on the concrete floor, each step a somber drumbeat leading him to the inevitable truth that awaited behind bars.

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