Somebody That I Use To Know

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The air was thick with anticipation as Draken's voice boomed across the gathered crowd, "We're here to choose the new 3rd Division Captain." Murmurs rippled through the ranks; speculative glances traded in a silent ballet of curiosity. Mikey's command cut through the whispers like a knife, "The new captain, step forward."

Takemichi's heart hitched. Could it be? His thoughts ran wild until a shadow slid past him, a chill accompanying the movement. Tetta Kisaki, a figure from his fragmented memories, advanced with an insolent grace. As Kisaki took his place beside Mikey, turning his back to him in a show of blatant disrespect, a collective gasp knifed through the tension.

"Your new 3rd Division Captain is Tetta Kisaki!" announced one of Kisaki's own men. The declaration landed like a bombshell, the shockwaves hitting Takemichi hard as memories aligned whispers of blame, fingers pointed at Kisaki for tragedies yet unfolded.

"Kisaki? Isn't he..." someone began, their voice trailing off as recognition set in. "He was part of Moebius!"

Dissent brewed among the members, but Draken's fierce glare quelled any burgeoning protest. "Silence!" he commanded. Mikey then stepped forward, calm yet commanding. "We're up against Valhalla next. To defeat them, Toman must evolve," he explained, reaffirming Kisaki's position.

As the reality of the situation sunk in, Takemichi's heart raced. This was the worst outcome—the one that led to Hinata's fate. With a rush of adrenaline, he gathered his courage and launched himself at Kisaki, fist connecting squarely with his jaw.

"Takemichi!" Ayame's voice cut through the chaos, her hands pulling Takemichi away from the fallen Kisaki. She knelt down, concern etched on her face, asking if Kisaki was alright. Kisaki looked up at her, a mixture of pain and awe flashing across his features. "I'm okay," he assured her, grasping her hand in thanks, his touch lingering longer than necessary.

From the sidelines, Mikey exchanged a silent glance with Ayame, his eyes conveying a clear message—she needed to step back, out of harm's way. Draken erupted in anger at Takemichi's brash action. "Interrupting the ceremony? You're not even in Toman," he bellowed, the other captains nodding in agreement, their disdain for the breach of respect towards Mikey palpable.

Caught in the heated moment, a commotion stirred as Baji lunged toward Takemichi with fiery intent. Before blows could be exchanged, Mitsuya intervened, his voice firm as he stood between them. "Enough, Baji!" Ayame pleaded with her brother.

Baji's eyes hardened as he shrugged off Ayame's grip. "Stay out of this, this isn't your place," Baji snapped, his protective instincts clashing with the rules of the gang. His focus now on Mikey. "Why'd you bring her here, huh?"

Mikey's expression remained unreadable. "She's here because I want her near, Ayame's been with us since the beginning. She's where she belongs." he stated simply, the words hung heavy, a reminder of unspoken bonds and shared history. His gaze then shifted to Baji. Mikey's question cut through the tension. "What are you doing here, Baji? You know you're not allowed at these meetings anymore."

"Thought I'd see if punching that twerp would finally get me kicked out," Baji retorted, his tone bitter.

The tension spiked as Baji challenged the assembly. "So, what now? Will I be cast out for punching him?"

"Mikey, he can't leave Toman," Ayame implored, desperation edging her voice. She knew the value of her brother's presence, the strength he offered.

"Even if he's your brother, Ayame," Mikey responded, his voice steady, "this is Toman business. Stay out of it."

A pall of silence descended as Baji's declaration carved through the air, his words a blade severing ties. "I'm joining Valhalla," he announced, resigning his mantle as the 1st Division Captain of Toman. A collective gasp rose from the ranks, disbelief etched on each face.

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