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"Love makes us vulnerable, yet it's in that vulnerability that we find our greatest strength."

Angela! You are the light to my darknessYou quenched my thirst in ways nobody did

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Angela! You are the light to my darkness
You quenched my thirst in ways nobody did. All my life I've been waiting for someone whom I can call my own and here you are.

The moment I saw you, was like I knew you from ages, like we were soulmates. You mend my heart when it was shattered the most. Your laughter brought me happiness and joy.

He gasped for air.

All my life I made a shell around me letting no one pass through but your light passed through and you broke that shell.
Promise me that you will never leave.

Simon stood infront of me in his most vulnerable state.

The skull mask fallen to the ground.

Water dripping down our bodies. I leaned against the wall my palm placed on his cheek while I was looking into his eyes.

Those eyes who were the most vulnerable in that spell of time.

"Can't let you go. Won't let you go." My lips uttered..


Loss was not new to Simon Riley..

From the brutal murder of his broken family, to the life of every soldier taken by the bullet of a faceless enemy.

Having his loved ones, his friends brutally torn away from him never got any easier.

It wounded him in ways that, while not visible, cut him deeper than any knife ever could.

The toll it took infiltrated every aspect of his existance, infiltrating his sense of self and ramshackled his identity.

A once deeply empathetic man found himself surrendering to indifference; suffocating meaningful connections before they had time to breathe.

He found solace in detatching himself from others before they could affect him deeply enough for their eventual loss to shatter what little humanity he clung to.

Over time, a callous layer formed around Simon's heart- as though an impenetrable shield encased him.

Throbbing emotional wounds slowly turned into numb scars, each one an indelible mark on his soul.

It felt like he was drowning; being pulled under by an invisible undertow into the depths of sorrow.

Every breath became a battle, each gasp a desperate attempt to surface above the crushing waves of loss.

Through the suffocating darkness, there was no tranquility. No respite from the insatiable abyss that consumed joy and drowned laughter.

It wasn't any one thing that slowly began to chip away at Simon's carefully constructed walls.

By the time he became the cornerstone of Task Force 141, very few people knew the man beneath it all.

The real Simon Riley, that was until, I came along.

I barrelled into Sinom's life like a force of nature, full of vigour and determination. A soul unmared by the devastation that came as an unavoidable consequence of war.

There was a vivaciousness about me that he hadn't seen in years, reflecting in those brilliant eyes of mine.

The sight both intrigued him and subtly tugged at something inside him that he had long thought supressed.

A dimly glowing cigarrette hangs loosely between his fingers, balaclava bunched up over the bridge of his nose.

Its along contemplative silence, broken only by gentle birdsong.

He hasn't slept; he rarely does anymore.




Sick Thoughts -
Body Language - Chris Brown
Kerosene - Crystal Castle
You're so beautiful - Akon
Rain- Sleep Token


Into you - Arianda Grande
Positions - Ariana Grande
Lost Soul (slowed cars remix) - NBSPLV
Headlights - Alan Walker

Hey besties! I hope you like this story.

I promise I will be adding slow burn in the upcoming chapters. I am not very good at writing romance and erotica but I will surely give it a shot.
Your votes and valuable comments are welcomed and will be appreciated.

New story update:
"Sinful Desire"
Simon Riley
Do check it out besties.
Its full of romance

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