Lost in the heat

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"The way you make me feel is unlike anything I've ever felt before.You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought."

Smut warning:

Where are you taking me, Ghost?" I asked, a playful tone in my voice as he practically dragged me along, our laughter and giggles echoing through the hallway. His infectious joy was contagious, and for a moment, all the worries and hardships faded into the background.

He stopped suddenly, lifting me effortlessly into his arms. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Where are we going?" I teased, enjoying the spontaneous adventure.

"To my room," he teased back, his eyes twinkling mischievously with love and anticipation.

He made me stand in his room and locked the door, the sound of the latch clicking reverberating in the quiet space. His presence was commanding, and as he stepped closer, the anticipation between us grew palpable.

"I'm thankful your mask came off for some time, Simon," I whispered teasingly, biting my lip. My hands found their way to the belt of his pants, playing with it as if testing the waters of this newfound intimacy.

With a gentle but firm push on his chest, I directed him towards the bed. He fell back, leaning on his arms, a mischievous smirk dancing on his face. It was a look that made my heart race and my stomach flip with excitement.

We didn't need words. The intensity of our gaze spoke volumes. I stood there, absorbing every detail of him-the way his long blonde lashes moved with each blink, the depth of his chocolaty eyes, and even the scars that adorned his face, telling stories of battles fought and survived. Despite them, or perhaps because of them, he looked divine.

His thick thighs seemed to beckon me closer, inviting me into the heat radiating from between his legs. God, this man and his perfectly sculpted body were a masterpiece.

"You are perfect, Simon Riley," I said, my voice filled with awe and affection. Leaning down, I placed my knee between his legs, feeling the heat and desire emanating from him. Our noses touched, a gentle and intimate gesture that sent shivers down my spine.

I started to unbutton his shirt slowly, each button undone with deliberate teasing. "Things I want to do right now with you, Lieutenant Ghost," I whispered in his ear, my breath hot against his skin.

I saw him gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. The anticipation in his eyes mirrored my own. His scent, a mix of his natural musk and a hint of the cologne he wore, was intoxicating, making me wild with desire.

As I slid the shirt off his shoulders, revealing more of his sculpted chest and the tattoos that adorned his skin, I could feel the tension between us building. My hands roamed over his muscles, tracing the lines and curves that I had come to know so well.

He reached up, his fingers threading through my hair, pulling me closer. "You drive me crazy, Angela," he murmured, his voice husky with need.

I smiled, leaning in to kiss the spot just below his ear, feeling the shiver that ran through him. "Then let's see how crazy we can get," I said, my voice full of promise and desire.

He parted his lips to say something, but I placed a finger over them. "Shh! Lieutenant. No talking. Only listening," I ordered, a playful glint in my eyes.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied, his voice tinged with both amusement and desire.

I traced my finger along his lips before leaning in to kiss him, soft at first, then deeper, more demanding. His hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer as I continued to explore his mouth with mine. His submission in this moment, despite his usual commanding presence, sent a thrill through me.

Rogue's Touch - Simon Ghost Riley (Call Of Duty)Where stories live. Discover now