Our first mission

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In the darkest moments, it's not the silence of the night that keeps you going, but the unwavering strength of those who stand by your side

Soap asked Alejandro, "Where are they hiding Hassan?"

"In the white two-story building across the town," Alejandro replied.

We reached the gate, with Ghost on one side along with Rodrigue and Alejandro's troops on the other. I stood behind Soap, my heart pounding.

"One, two, three, breach," Alejandro commanded. Ghost kicked the gate open, and we surged forward, guns at the ready.

As we proceeded into the village, the air was filled with the sound of Spanish curses from the cartel members. The tension was palpable, every shadow a potential threat.

We reached another door. Alejandro opened it, revealing cartel members with guns who immediately started shooting at us. We returned fire, bullets flying past us as we took them down one by one.

Bullets whizzed past me as I followed behind Soap, shooting at enemies whenever they revealed themselves. The intensity of the firefight was overwhelming, but we pressed on.

"The cartel will move him fast," Ghost said, his voice urgent.

"Then we move faster," Alejandro replied, opening the door to another house.

All the houses were abandoned, the people forced to flee and leave their belongings behind. The cartel had taken over completely.

I shot at cartel members as they appeared, each encounter a deadly dance of life and death.

"No signs of Hassan," Soap said, frustration creeping into his voice.

Alejandro opened another white door. "After me," he instructed, and we followed him toward the white building, our weapons ready.

Rodrigue and Alejandro broke down the door, and we pushed inside, engaging the cartel members in a brutal firefight. The house was a large, beautiful home that had once belonged to a family, now overrun by the cartel.

"No signs of Hassan," Soap said after we cleared the enemies on the first floor.

"Moving to the second deck," Ghost said, his voice steady.

I followed Alejandro and Soap upstairs, leaving Ghost to cover the lower level. We were on our own up there, and I didn't want to rely on Ghost more than necessary after what had happened in the car.

Once upstairs, we engaged the remaining cartel members, each shot a reminder of our precarious situation.

"We got Hassan cornered," Ghost said over the radio.

Soap pushed a door open. "No sign of Hassan here," he reported.

I couldn't help but giggle at the fact that Ghost was so eager to find Hassan, yet he still wasn't there. But my amusement was short-lived.

"Quds Force. That's his flag," Ghost pointed out, indicating a flag on the wall.

Meanwhile, I saw various military convoys approaching. My heart sank.

"Fuck! They sent the whole army for us," I said, watching out the window.

"You want us to engage with the fucking Mexican army?" Soap asked, incredulous.

"No, carnal. These troops are paid by the cartel to save Hassan," Alejandro explained.

I was crouching with Ghost, the tension between us momentarily forgotten as we faced a common enemy.

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