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"A promise is a cloud; fulfillment is rain." - Arabian Proverb

Ghost opened the door to reveal a yawning Soap.

"So you woke up. Finally." Ghost said.

"Yes LT! Couldn't sleep in the car for that long." Soap said in between yawns.

"Sleep on the couch Johnny." Ghost pointed towards the couch.

"What about Angela?" Soap asked.

"Don't worry about her." Ghost said.

"Ok." Soap said and sunk in the couch.

Ghost took a cushion from another couch throwing at him before coming into the bedroom locking the door behind him.

As I stood there, washing my face, Ghost entered the bathroom, casually removing his zipper hoodie. My eyes widened in surprise as I took in his sculpted physique, adorned with a network of scars, each one telling its own story.

There was a particularly prominent scar on the left side of his ribs, a visible reminder of past battles and close calls.

But what truly caught my attention was the tattoo that adorned his skin, a design I had only glimpsed from a distance before.

Now, standing before me, I could see it clearly, every intricate detail etched into his flesh. It was a mesmerizing sight, drawing me in with its mystery and allure.

"I messed up my clothes love. Going to take a shower. Care to join me?" He asked, his tone playful.

"I don't have the courage plus you can't shower with your mask on Ghost." I replied trying to avoid any further physical contact with him.

I knew I would melt under his touch.

"Why don't we make a deal?" He suggested.
"I take my mask off and you take your clothes off for me." He said stepping very close to me.

Feeling a surge of panic I put both of my hands on his chest, pleading.

"No. Please don't."

"I promise I won't bite." He whispered into my ear.

Flushed and flustered, I bit my lip nervously.

"I can't do this," I stammered before hastily fleeing the bathroom.

His laughter followed me. "Sorry I scared you, love. I was joking," he called after me.

"Don't ever make jokes like that with me. Ever again," I replied firmly, trying to calm my racing heart.

I stormed into the living room, tossing a cushion at Soap. "Get up and go sleep with him," I demanded, pointing towards Ghost's bedroom.

Soap, still groggy, protested, "What? He told me you're not sleeping here."

"Where else am I supposed to sleep then? You two can sleep together on his bed. I'm taking the couch," I declared firmly, settling onto the couch with a cushion in my lap.

As Soap trudged off to his designated room, Ghost emerged from the shower, clad in a grey hoodie and sweatpants.

"Fucking hell! Now I'll have to listen to his snoring all night," Ghost muttered, annoyance clear in his voice.

"Do you want some tea, love?" he asked, rummaging through the cabinets for jars.

"Sure," I replied, trying to push away the lingering discomfort from our earlier encounter.

As I leaned against the counter, watching him put the kettle on the stove, I couldn't shake off the curiosity that had been nagging at me for so long. "Why do you always wear a mask?" I inquired, my voice soft but insistent.

Rogue's Touch - Simon Ghost Riley (Call Of Duty)Where stories live. Discover now