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Touch her
You will burn

With each step, Ghost's anger boiled beneath the surface, his frustration mounting with every passing moment. The audacity of that girl, daring to challenge his authority and vie for his rank-it was unfathomable.

As he stormed towards his room, his mind raced with thoughts of retaliation. How dare she undermine him like this? It was as if she had swept in and claimed his position without a second thought, leaving him feeling powerless and infuriated.

"2nd Lieutenant my foot," he muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with disdain. The very idea of her holding such a title grated against his pride, fueling the fire of resentment burning within him.

But amidst the seething anger, Ghost couldn't help but grudgingly admire her resilience. She was no pushover, that much was clear. It was evident why she worked for the CIA-her unwavering determination and indomitable spirit were qualities to be reckoned with.

Amidst the raging storm of his emotions, Ghost couldn't shake the memory of his earlier apology to her. Just that morning, he had swallowed his pride and extended an olive branch, seeking to mend the strained relationship between them. He had never been one to apologize easily, but something about her had prompted him to set aside his ego and admit fault.

Now, as he stewed in his anger and resentment, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for his earlier act of contrition. In apologizing, he had unwittingly exposed a vulnerability that he now realized she had exploited to her advantage.

The realization only served to further weaken his position, adding insult to injury as he grappled with the indignity of her promotion. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that he had inadvertently paved the way for her ascent within the ranks of Task Force 141.

As he entered his room and slammed the door shut behind him, Ghost couldn't shake the sense of defeat that gnawed at him from within. In that moment, he vowed to reclaim his position of authority, determined to prove to himself and to her that he was not so easily bested.

He knew that this was far from over. The clash of wills between him and the new 2nd Lieutenant was only just beginning, and he was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.


As Ghost's departure echoed through the room, a tense silence settled over the group. Laswell and Price exchanged knowing glances, while Soap and Gaz looked on with a mixture of awe and apprehension.

"I knew he wouldn't like that," Price remarked, breaking the silence with a resigned tone.

"He'll be fine. He has a habit of getting angry. Let the storm roll off," Laswell reassured, her voice steady despite the lingering tension in the air.

Turning her attention to me, Laswell addressed the matter at hand. "Angela, we accepted your demand, but please keep in mind that with greater rank comes greater responsibility."

Nodding in understanding, I listened as Laswell outlined the plans for my training. The mention of close-quarters combat and sniper rifle handling caught my attention, prompting me to cross my arms in contemplation.

"It wasn't a part of my training in the CIA," I admitted, acknowledging my lack of experience in such specialized skills.

Laswell nodded in understanding before continuing. "Ghost is the best sniper we have here. He will teach you how to handle a sniper rifle. We will also arrange close-quarters combat training with him."

"But you just saw how pissed off Ghost was. Do you really believe he would agree to training with me?" I voiced my concern, wary of the animosity between us.

Rogue's Touch - Simon Ghost Riley (Call Of Duty)Where stories live. Discover now