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Chrom's PoV
This was it the moment I've been waiting ever since Lucina came.
Never in my life have I ever felt so many emotions: Scared, relived, worried the list goes on. Finally I can avenge the ones I loved whom I lost to this beast and finally prove myself a strong exalt and live up to Em's abilities. With (y/n) at my side I was ready to put this dragon to rest and out of my life from now on.

Your PoV
Could I do that? No. I couldn't leave my husband behind alone to clean up this mess that " I've " made and I'd never see little Lucina grow up to become the strong woman she is.But then could I live with the guilt of making the future as hellish as it is present. Making others suffer because of my selfish needs. If I was going to land the final blow then I needed to do now. Not in a minuet. NOW. Any second now.

"come on (y/n) don't make you hate yourself "

Chrom's PoV

" YOUR END HAS COME GRIMA!" I yelled with all my anger. I ran to the clone, who was so weak they could hardly stand, and closed my eyes waiting for it to be all over until I heard a scream. A painfully familiar scream. I open to see Grima fading away into an obis but the sword is still far from its prey. Then, behind me, I heard (y/n) sobbing while little parts of her were fading away.

3rd person PoV
"(Y/N)!" Chrom shouted as he scrambled towards his dying wife " w-why (y/n) " he said trying to fight back tears "why would you?". "To make sure the rest of the people have a life they deserve" (y/n) replied with tears streaming down her face while most of her body was now nothing. " but (y/n) you-" he was stopped when (y/n) hugged her lover for the very last time before slowly being
taken in by darkness.

"(y/n) you promised"

Well how was that? Bad most likely. Anyway I might do a pt2 but who knows. Sorry for it being so heavily based on the ending of fea btw.

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