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Still Falling

Listening to the demonic laugh of the monster

Out of the dream

And into reality

Suddenly you jumped feeling your weight pound on you again shocking you in the process. Sweating you slowly open your eyes hoping you weren't still in the nightmare. It was the same one you had a few days ago before Chrom found you. But it never felt like a dream you could never control yourself and had to watch like a puppet or slave in you own body and it was so clear like a memory. You shot up and let out a huge sigh of relief when you saw you were still in your tent at safety. Slowly, you lead down to go back to sleep but it was useless. Tossing and turning but nothing happened. Nothing. Swinging out of bed, you decided that going for a small walk would put your mind at rest. Putting on your long cloak you headed out to the darkness of the night.


Frederick's PoV

"No use" I think to myself as I sit in the barracks alone.

I haven't been able to get a decent night sleep ever since that new tactician joined. Has amnesia but could remember the princes and her own name. Like that's convincing. Also her gift for tactics I mean shes smarter than probably the whole army put together but I've seen her books and they aren't ones you can easily memorize. It also raises more supposition when she even speaks with a plegian accent! Maybe my protective nature is coming over but all of these facts lead up to the answer that shes an intruder or spy. But then for some reason I cant come to hate her and I dont know why though. Its like all my confidence goes of the window when i'm around her and it's almost scary.

What to do? I'd never had this problem before. Never!

I know a walk! Yes a relaxing walk should calm my nerves.

Reader PoV

I sat down by a huge tree near the camp that towered over all the smaller trees around it. It was almost like a king to all his kingdom. As I rested my head against the rough bark, I looked up at the clear night sky. Stunning I think to my self. With my mind wondering off into a trance glaring up at the millions of stars up above I realized that my eyelids were getting heavier but because I'm so engaged with the sky I didn't really care. I was in my own world now almost an escape from reality everything didn't matter now I was so tired nothing would process in my head anymore. Slowly the stars started hide behind darkness and soon I saw nothing. Not realizing I was falling asleep, I let my body go heavy and let my thoughts drift away.

Freddybear PoV

Strolling along, I wondered around the forest by the camp. Near the front of the forest was a ginormous trees that was the first thing that eyes caught when entering the woods. Though my eyes didn't look at the tree but the thing underneath it. There looking very peaceful was (y/n) sound asleep with her hood up covering her face. Not meaning to I let out a small chuckle even though I know i shouldn't . Not realizing that I had been staring for ages a cold gust of wind blew across the camp making all the tents rustle as it flew past. I sighed realizing that I needed to get some sleep tonight. Turning towards my tent I tried to walk but I couldn't the guilt wouldn't let me. I turned back towads (y/n) then picking her up bridal style and carried her back to her tent hoping not to wake her. As i entered her tent I placed her back in her sleeping bag zipping up so she wouldnt freeze. With out thinking I kissed her on the lip blushing furiously as I did. With that I speed walked out the tent hopping she didnt notice.

Well done Fredrick you've fallen in love

SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I didnt know what to write please don't kill me!!! Anyway the book itself has had over 100 views so thank you! Btw Im excepting requests

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