Lon'qu X Reader

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OH YEAH TIME FOR THE POTATO PEELER....*cough* uhh sorry about that...

"HIIIIIIIYAAAAAA!" you yelled as you sliced the log into two perfectly without any fault. Wiping the sweat off of your forehead you picked up the two pieces and threw them to one side. 

One more you think to your self as you pick up the last log and place it in front of you. Since it was your turn to gather the wood for the fire tonight you thought you could sneak in some practice as well. However as you go to make the final blow to the piece of wood you couldn't rub off the feeling that someone was watching you. After successfully cutting the last piece in half, you put your sword into its sheath and placed the freshly cut wood on your back and turned around to head back to camp. Since you were tired after practice you didn't realize that a figure was walking behind you the whole time that was until you lost your footing. Falling backwards you closed your eyes and prepared for impact but nothing came only two muscular arms that caught you.
Opening your eyes you are met with a man with messy brown hair and a face as red as a tomato.
"L-Lon'qu?"you question as you stood back up on to your feet "What are you doing here?".
The swordsman looked at the ground then back up at you
"W-Well (y/n) I was h-hunting for meat f-for dinner tonight and happened to be behind you when you fell" he said stuttering over a few words but still kept his serious voice. You didn't believe him one bit but knew there was not point in questioning him any further. You sighed and turned to pick up the logs you dropped before and then turn to the swordsmaster.

" Well then Im-" you cut yourself off. Something caught your eye in the distance flashing towards Lon'qu. An assassin. A bow pulled and about to be released. Without thinking you let your reflexes kick in.
"LON'QU LOOK OUT!" You yelled pushing him aside taking an arrow to your shoulder. A stinging pain went through your body causing you to yell out. Blood was flowing out your body making you panic. Soon every thing started to spin, you could hear Lon'qu in the background calling your name but you couldn't reply. Your eyelids soon stared to close and soon you let the darkness over take you.
~time skip~
Slowly opening eyes, you groaned  in pain as your shoulder was still sore from the wound. It was dark so you assumed it was night. But how long were you out for? It was near enough dark when you blacked out so had you been out for a day? Week? Who knows. Once your eyes adjusted to the darkness you went move your hand only to feel something against it. Turning your head you saw a shadow of a figure slumped in a chair. Soft snores could be heard from the figure but his hand was still on yours. Looking down at the hand you noticed that it was wearing a fingerless black glove that stretched up to his elbow. Your eyes widened when you recognised the glove as none over than Lon'qu's! Shocked soon turned into happiness as you stated at the swordsman while he slept. He seemed so peaceful especially since he was touching a woman! Soon your eyelids were getting heavier and you realised you needed rest. You closed your eyes head turned to the swordsman still and within a matter if minutes you fell into a long peaceful sleep with Lon'qu at your side.

Ehhh was that ok? I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 10,000 years but stuff got in the way and writers block is a massive bitch! Anyway I loved writing this since Lon'qu is ma husbando in Fea.

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