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"Oh no, Tom, we're not coming back for your cap. You're way too drunk. How can you think straight?"

"Pleeease, I need that cap!"

His voice sounded awful. He was more than wasted. How could he even want his cap back?
Ugh, okay, this time I had to help him. I'm just too empathetic for my own good.

"Alright, Tom. Go take a shower. I'll come back and get your cap."

I sighed and looked at him.


he screamed. I shushed him, pointing my finger to my mouth.

"Don't yell like that, it's almost eleven pm."

He lunged at me, nearly falling over, and hugged me tightly. He was never this affectionate, but when drunk, he liked to show his love. I chuckled, patted his back, and pulled away slightly.
I got out, hopped in my car, and sped out of the parking lot. Of course, I broke traffic rules, but if I hadn't, Tom would've gotten really upset. No kidding, his caps were the most important thing to him.
I reached the bar quickly. A friendly bartender approached me.

"Hi there, sorry, but we're closing up,"

he said with a slight smile, putting on his jacket.

"Yeah, I know, sorry about that. My brother forgot his cap. Would you mind if I quickly check our table for it?"

"No problem at all, take your time. Staff can help you if you need anything."

I arrived at our table. Seriously, Tom could forget his most prized possession right there? I grabbed his cap, which was lying on the couch, and headed for the exit.
Suddenly, something caught my eye. I turned and saw a young woman. She looked around my age. Was she sleeping?
Okay, maybe I was a good Samaritan. I wouldn't leave her here. I approached her. She slept peacefully, like a doll, her hands on her lap, her red hair cascading down her shoulders. And for some reason, there were tears on her face? Or maybe sweat?

"Hey, the bar's closing. Can I help you get out?"

She looked me up and down, seemingly displeased, and wiped the tears from her face. Maybe I should introduce myself to avoid appearing creepy.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Bill,"

I said with a smile, making eye contact. She still looked kind of disappointed.

"I'm Kessy. Sorry, what did you say?"

Kessy, huh? Her voice definitely sounded drunk, but she seemed to be trying to pull herself together.

"No worries, I just said the bar is closing. Let me help you get out."

I smiled again, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh yeah, I'm getting out, sorry,"

she mumbled, slowly getting up. Her legs wobbled, and she almost fell over.
I quickly grabbed her hand to steady her.
She slowly pulled her arm away and straightened up, looking a little uncomfortable with my touch.

"Okay, no touching, I get it,"

I said, removing my hand. Maybe she wasn't a fan of physical contact

"Yeah, just a bit too much alcohol tonight. I'll be fine"

she sighed, looking ashamed. I nodded and headed for the exit, leading the way.
We got outside, and she put her hands on her head, leaning back against a wall.

Trust Me - |Bill Kaulitz|Where stories live. Discover now