Chapter 14

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"Harvey!? Hunter!?" I called out loudly as I entered our suite, my voice echoing in the empty space. Making my way to Harvey's and my room, I began organizing Hunter's clothes. While doing so, I dialed Harvey's number at the hospital, informing him of my return and asking about their expected arrival time. I offered to discuss any concerns he might have. Afterwards, grabbing a towel and a pair of our latest hipster briefs, I made my way to the shower. Lost in thought, I must have spent more time under the water than I intended. Emerging from the bathroom, I was surprised to find the hotel suite enveloped in darkness, a stark contrast to the sunny atmosphere I remembered before entering the shower.

"Ah, welcome back. Where might Hunter be tonight?"

"He's opted to spend the evening down the hall with Carson and the rest of the group."

"Got it. Would you prefer to discuss what's on your mind and Brock's current discontent tonight, or would you rather wait until morning?"

"Morning would be preferable, if that's alright with you."

I woke up around 5:30 in the morning to find that Harvey was gone. But on the counter in the kitchen, I found a note from him,

Max, I'll be back by noon. Just need to take care of some things before chatting. Hunter's good; he's with me. We're having breakfast at a diner and will take a short stroll around The National Mall in DC. All's well, see you soon. - Harvey.

While I was reading, my phone rang.

"Who on earth is calling me at 5:30 in the blasted morning? Hello?"

"It's Boston. Have you bothered to speak to Harvey yet?"

"No, I haven't. I explicitly stated I'd address it in due time."

"I hope you do, and swiftly. Brock is falling apart at the seams."

"I thought you were supposed to be the one calming him down."

"I attempted, but it was a complete disaster."

"And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?"

"I consented to him penetrating me anally and orally. He was so forceful that I ended up in the emergency room, vomiting blood until I blacked out. That's where I'm calling you from," Boston stated firmly.

"Boston, I'm offering my sincere apologies for what just went down. I'm fully committed to sorting this out with Harvey, face to face. But it's crucial to grasp Harvey's nature here. I've known him for ages, and he's big on needing space, especially when he's feeling vulnerable. Pushing him to talk before he's ready could make things a whole lot worse, and we definitely don't want that. So, if you can't keep it together and let me handle this, maybe we need to rethink our whole partnership. Are we on the same page here?"

"Man, how am I supposed to tell Brock about this, about his boyfriend?"

"I wish I had an answer. But right now, Harvey's just not in a place to talk."

"Alright then, looks like I'll have to deal with Brock by myself."

Ending the call from Boston, a knock and a cheerful "Room service, special delivery!" interrupted me

# # #

"Hey Carson, is Hunter available to talk?"

As I waited in the hallway, Carson motioned for me to come inside the suite and wait for Hunter. Meanwhile, I asked about the upcoming concert. Carson mentioned he had talked with Taylor Swift's team about the use of the stage and other equipment. And had locked in the date and venue.

"Harv, do you think we could visit one of my favorite restaurants?" asked Hunter, tugging on a shirt I had brought for him.

Just as we were about to set off, Carson proposed we get together soon to complete the concert arrangements.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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