Chapter 6

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"Max!" Oliver said.

I rose from my chair at the sound of his voice. "what is it Oliver?"

"I'm not feeling too good, could you take me to the emergency room"

"what's wrong?"

"I'm just not feeling right something's wrong can you just take me"

As I looked at Oliver, he looked pale like a ghost scared him lifeless and that told me right then. That there is something wrong. So, as I got up out of my chair I quickly went to the kitchen and wrote a note for Dylan and dobby that read...


I will be back I have Oliver with me. I'll call you as soon as I know more. Don't worry everything is OK as far as I know. If you need anything give me a call or you can call Harvey on his cell.


Upon arriving at the emergency room, they rushed Oliver and Me back to the trauma bay. The nurse asked me if I knew if Oliver had a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. They asked me also if I was his Health care agent. When the nurse asked about DPA and being the agent, I took it upon myself to call and get Harvey and Leo there immediately. After about 30 minutes the doctor came in and said that they were going to Med Flight him to state side ASAP. I asked the doctor...

"Why does he need to go state side?"

"Don't tell him but he is needing a special treatment that can only be done in the US. Right now, he needs a strong support team. I would suggest that you sir get that team together. If any of the team want to fly with Sir Oliver let me know as soon as you can. But right now, I have to go and get the paperwork and notify the specialist that he is on his way."

"Doc, I know their will be at least 2 maybe 3 that is most likely want to ride with him."

"Ok, I will plan on 3."


As the doctor left, I immediately called Harvey

"Harvey pick up the phone 911"

"what is it Max?"

"listen to me carefully Harvey you need to get Leo and yourself packed up for at least two weeks' worth of clothes and get your ass to the hospital like yesterday there is something seriously going on with Oliver and I'll explain when you get here I'm going to give Dylan a call and get him in motion also it's very serious just get here."

At this point I also took it upon myself to call mom and dad to inform them in what's going on and see if they could get ahold of Mrs. Henry and fill her in also.

"Dylan pick up the damn phone."

"what is it Max"

"just grab your suitcase and grab Olivier's and get to the emergency room stat could you please put also Dobby on the line."

"Dobby do not let Dylan drive you drive and get him here stat to the hospital into the emergency room entrance you also might want to pack up a two weeks bag worth of clothes as well. Oh, and grab my bag that is next to the Lazy-Boy in the Livingroom"

While I was getting the boys together, I heard over the PA

"Mr. Max Mills to trauma Bay one stat"

"What is it doc?"

"we're going to have to put him under anesthesia for transport because the flight is going to be at least an 8-hour flight."

"what do you mean anesthesia, can you hold off till the rest of his support team arrives?"

"is to stabilize him for transport" the doctor said." by the way I need you to sign some papers to proceed with transport and also he drew a blood test for safety as long with the complete support team."

After I finished signing the papers and getting my blood drawn, I called mom dad on vacation and inform them of what was going on, ...

"dad I have a serious situation on my hands and I need help," I said." I need you and mom to meet us stateside at Walter Reed Medical Center in DC and if you can get ahold of Dylan and Oliver's mother and get her in route to Walter Reed as well. I'll explain everything later and let her know that Dylan and Oliver are with me and Harvey."

"what do you mean Walter Reed what's wrong?"

"it's actually Oliver he is not doing too good I had to take him to the emergency room and it has been discovered that there is a serious problem that cannot be done locally and that require transporting to Walter Reed in the United States."

"Sara pack our bags we are going stateside it's an emergency we're leaving within the hour"

Just after hanging up with dad on the phone. The nurse receptionist came in and informed me that Harvey was in the lobby. I went out to him and Leo to let them know that they're going to need to get blood work drawn before we take off. And while I was talking to them, I've seen Dylan and Dobby pull up.

"Dylan please sit down I need to explain some stuff to you before I take you back to see your brother please." I said.

"Dylan please this is serious please sit down, Oliver is going to be sedated because of something that the doctor found in an MRI that they did and have to transport him to the United States where they have a specialist that can handle the problem they discovered also they are going to transport him by Med Flight while he's sedated. Your brother had me bring him here because he was very pale and white, and he had extraordinarily little strength to stand by himself. So, I brought him here under his request."

At this point I decided to let Leo and Harvey go back and see Oliver. and then I took Dylan and Dobby. when I went back to check on Harvey and Leo, I notice Leo was holding Oliver's hand and was crying. And then I noticed Harvey looked up at me as I walked in and he told me too ...

"let's leave Leo an Oliver here just for a moment" Harvey said. So, we stepped out of the room briefly and then that's when Harvey informed me about Leo secret which just blew me away when he told me. I happen to look back in the room and notice Leo was holding Oliver's hand and running his other hand through the hair I overheard Leo tell Oliver that he loved him dearly among other things. Harvey and I told the doctor that it would be Harvey and Leo riding with Oliver in the chopper. The doctor told us that he was going to have a police officer transport me, Dylan, and Dobby to Heathrow international airport to make sure we got on a flight within the next 30 minutes. I called mom and dad to see if they were in route and that's when I informed them that he's in route along with me Dobby and Dylan. That's when dad told me that there arriving at the airport themselves and I asked them what's their ETA stateside and that's when they told me that day would be approximately 11 hours before landing. that's when dad it for me that he was able to get ahold of miss Henry and that she was in route to the United States as well. 

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