Chapter 1: Missed call

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*Sam, our protagonist was sitting on the couch, as usual, playing videogames, as usual, when he gets a new message notification in hus house phone, but he decides to let it ring because of the many sellers trying to sell his trash*
SAM: I swear to God I'm going to kill these fuckers myself
*He eventually gets the phone*
SPEAKER: Hello! We need you at 7th avenue, the cafe right next to the park, I'll be waiting! Be gentle and wear your best clothes! *The message ends*
SAM: the fuck?? Sounds like a date to me, I'm in *he says as he gets prepared with a sweater and some big pants*
(After arriving at the cafe)
SAM: hello? Any hot single?
*There were in fact no hot singles, just a bunch of armed Russian mobsters*
MOBSTER 1: Что ты здесь делаешь? Кто ты? Как вы нашли это место?
SAM: I don't speak communist
MOBSTER 2: of course you don't, you Americans all the same
SAM: that's a bit racist for a Russian
MOBSTER 2: say that again if you have the balls
SAM: communist scum
*Is then when the mobster threw a punch at Sam, which managed to dodge it, and returned the hit knocking him out, then, as he hears sounds of guns loading he runs towards the cleaning room*
SAM: what is this?? I was supposed to meet some hot chick here, not getting bulldozed by the Russian mafia *then his eyes wandered through the room, as he found a metal pipe, he then uses the pipe to take out the first guy and steal his gun, then hides behind a fallen shelf, shooting everyone inside*
SAM: this can't be good, I gotta get outta here
*He then returns home and makes like nothing happened*

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