Chapter 10: Upgrades

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ELISHA: I'm hungry
SAM: and? Do I look like your mom?
ELISHA: you wished
SAM: idk if that's gross or not, but anyways if we see somewhere to eat we'll stop there
ELISHA: cool, nice, thanks for inviting me to eat
*Sam stops the car and looks at Elisha dead in the eye*
SAM: Who told you I'm paying for everything
ELSIHA: I thought-
SAM: you thought wrong, you shouldn't have wasted all your money on Marlboros
ELSIHA: c'mon man, I'll pay it to you one way or another
SAM: today you sleep on the street, ik not sleeping more than 2 feet away from you
ELSIHA: it was a joke man
SAM: Nuh huh you are sleeping outside
ELSIHA: you don't have the balls
SAM: you'll see you twink
*They stop at a burger place, Sam gets a bacon burger, greasy, tasty, while Elisha just looks as he eats*
SAM: damn this is so good, you should get one with your own money
ELISHA: you are just being an asshole
SAM: I know, but I'm teaching you a lesson
ELISHA: wtf kind of lesson is this
SAM: don't waste your money on shit that kills you, because then you either die of starvation or lung cancer
ELISHA: can I at least have some fries?
SAM: fine, but just because I'm feeling very generous today, maybe I even give you water
ELSIHA: yeah I'm kinda thirsty
SAM: I was joking, I'm not that generous
ELSIHA: you are kidding right
SAM: tap water is free
ELSIHA: you can't be this cheap
SAM: it's called being responsible with money, you'll thank me later
*They finish eating, as they are about to leave they see a van*
SAM: ok hear me out, I'm gonna try to change our car, well my car, for that guy's van
ELISHA: yeah, that'll defenitively work
SAM: grab our stuff, because I have 20 points on charisma
*Elisha rolls his eyes and gets the stuff just in case, Sam signals him to get the stuff in the van, he does so, gets in the van and they leave*
ELSIHA: wow I can't believe he actually traded that old car for his van
SAM: he didn't, I stole it and left the car keys on the floor
ELISHA: ... You did what
*Sam starts laughing, and plays the radio as loud as possible for the owner to hear*

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