Chapter 6: Hot n heavy

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*Sam already felt like shit, not only because he didn't get to talk to any girls at the party, and not only because he got his money stolen, but also because he kept thinking about the things that he did in that cafeteria, he still didn't get it, but he didn't feel much remorse actually, he doesn't really like gangsters, and communism, he just hates communism, as he things about that he gets another phone call*
SAM: yes?
CALLER: we have your son, com at the 23rd avenue down the street of the system, or you'll never see him again
SAM: nice try, I never touched a woman in my life jackass
CALLER: ok, I see you are a bit slow, we want you to kill people
SAM: hell no, not again, why should I do it? You have nothing to blackmail me with dumbasses
CALLER: we know where you live Sam, and we also know where Barry lives, it would be a shame if next time you see him it had to be 6 feet underground
SAM: why are you doing this?
CALLER: to make America great again
SAM: oh are you fucking kidding me? Are you really a fascist
CALLER: we just love our country
*He hangs up the phone, and Sam, caring about his only friend, puts on the mask and walks to the marked location, this time he brought a baseball bat he used when he played, he was kicked out because he kept hitting on the water girl and got a restraint order, that and he sucked at baseball*
SAM: honey I'm home
*He says as he enters the flat, hitting one of the Russians with the door and killing one with the bat, he then finishes off the one with the door crushing his skull open, he grabs his gun and approaches the hallway, he then tries to shoot both of the guards, but fails, and now everyone in the building knows about his presence, he starts backing up in a corner, waiting for them to come, he kills the first one with the bat, the second one trips with his fella's body and gets stabbed with his own knife, and the third disarms Sam and they figth bare fists , Sam being highly hurt, but ending up beating the gangster up, he the checked on the building, there was no one left, he wakes to his local bus stop, and he saw him again*
ELISHA: are you following me?
SAM: no, you are the one following me
ELISHA: are you here to bother me or something more?
SAM: I'm here to take the bus you egocentric prick
ELISHA: whatever man *he walks onto the bus, with his knee hurt, Sam realizes this*
SAM: how did you get your knee hurt?
ELISHA: a rock
*Sam immediately realizes, Elisha stole his money, in the bus, Sam puts a knife on Elisha's back*
SAM: I know what you stole from me, you better give it back
ELISHA: I already spent all the money
SAM: on what?
ELISHA: Marlboro
SAM: you gotta be fucking kidding me, you wasted 200$ on cigarettes?
ELISHA: I have a problem
SAM: no shit
*The bus stops at Sam's house, he gets off completely pissed at him, and he sits on his couch, watching TV until he falls asleep*

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