Chapter 7: Newcomer

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*Sam woke up early in the morning, with the sound of his own tv, when he got to his sofa, there he was, Elisha*
SAM: wha- what the fuck are you doing here?!? How did you even get in?!
ELISHA: yo chill, why are you so pissed
SAM: ok, you stole me 200 bucks, and wasted it in cigarettes
ELISHA: and a casino
SAM: oh god so you are also a compulsive gambler
ELISHA: that's far away from the point, I'm here because I've been getting some calls, and I know you also get those calls
SAM: explain yourself
ELISHA: I didn't do it, of course, just a psychopath would kill like that
SAM: I did what they said
ELISHA: you what
SAM: they know where I live and all my personal information, I can't say no
ELISHA: ok we're drifting from the point again, they also know where I live, and as I didn't do as I was told, they're searching for me
SAM: and you came to my house
SAM: out, now
ELISHA: hey hey man, hold on, we can cooperate
SAM: how
ELISHA: I think I know how this is going, all the attacks are directed to the Russians, if we find the persons who are making these calls, we may be able to stop them
SAM: you just want an excuse to get a place to stay
ELISHA: partially
SAM: I'll tell ya what you twink, I'm not letting you stay here, you are putting ME in danger and I already have things to deal with
*Elisha pulls out a big stack of money, and throws it to Sam*
SAM: how did you get this
ELISHA: I didn't kill anyone but I did steal them
SAM: I'm not even going to ask how you got their money without getting noticed or killed, but I'll let you stay, but I have rules, no smoking, no making a mess, no parties, and no girls over, last time that happened I couldn't sit on the couch for months
ELISHA: why?
SAM: it was sticky
ELISHA: fine, but I don't promise anything on the first one
*The rest of the day Elisha tried to search for information to know more about these callers, while Sam checked on Barry to see if someone did something to him, he had to care about him, he was his best friend after all*

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