Chapter 11: Turbulences

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*As they walk away with their newly obtained car, they spot two people, trying to get a ride*
ELISHA: aren't you gonna help?
SAM: why should I? Do I look like Jesus or something?
ELISHA: maybe they pay it back
SAM: Elvis
ELISHA: it's Elisha-
SAM: same thing, how many times, have you seen someone pay something back to another, that unst the TV
ELISHA: just help them, you don't loose nothing
*Sam sighs and he opens the door for them, but as he does he gets two guys loaded and pointed at his face, the two strangers walk into the car, and as they do they sit down*
STRANGER 1: listen to me, now you are our bitches, you'll do whatever we say and if you don't you'll end up with a bullet up your brain, you two know what you've done, you were warned what would happen if you disobeyed, so now you'll face the consequences
*Sam looks at Elisha*
SAM: it's the last time I listen to one of your ideas
ELISHA: how am I supposed to know what's gonna happen
SAM: what you're supposed to do is listen to me, now look were we are
*Sam keeps driving, and he sees his only chance of surviving, he sees a speed bump, he accelerates as fast as he can, and Elisha and the van-assaulters fall to the ground, Sam smashes one of the guy's head to the floor and completely breaks it, splattering all his brains through tye floor and gets his gun as he points it to the other guy*
SAM: now you listen to me, first of all I'm no one's bitch, and now you'll answer me what I tell you, you are going to die anyway but you better tell me what I want to hear if you don't want me to twist each one of your fingers and turn them into a salad TO MAKE YOU EAT THEM AS IF THEY WERE BABY CARROTS!
ELISHA: damn man, that's very... Something
*The stranger is crying, visibly terrified*
STRANGER 1: I'll talk just please I'm begging you
*Sam smiles*

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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