Chapter 9: Road trip

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*on their way home, they're both pretty drunk, crashing with some bins and cones, Elisha looks at Sam*
ELISHA: ok we should totally make o-
*Sam loads a gun and shows it to Elisha, and he shuts up, Sam visibly not swinging that way, and Elisha is probably just too drunk, the rest of the trip it's just silence and some music playing in the background, suddenly they find another masked person, bleeding in the middle of the street, they stop the car*
SAM: holy shit man are you alright?
SEAL MASK: what do you think asshole
SAM: fair enough
SEAL: you too I see?
ELISHA: yeah, so how did this happen?
SEAL: I don't have much time, you have to listen to me, the callers, they are just two people, if you find them you need to kill them and finish this all, there's too many people going around killing like crazy, let me give you some advice kids, leave your home for now, stop attending the calls, people will be sent to kill you, so you need to be ok constant movement, and get information, it's too late for me, but I have all my trust in you two
*the guy with the seal mask bleeds out, and as a sign of respect, Sam takes the mask and keeps it*
ELISHA: are you really gonna keep that? It's all bloody and used
SAM: have you ever heard of a washing machine?
ELISHA: don't you know how hard it is to clean a blood stain
SAM: I'll figure out a way
*They get back in the car, and they get home*
SAM: ok, from now on we'll live in the car and we'll sleep there, so get your stuff, if we are lucky enough we'll find a van, but meanwhile we will keep our stuff in the car and use our clothes as pillos and blankets, if you think you can't handle it you are free to leave
ELISHA: what do you think I am? A pussy? I can handle that and more than you think, I'm not a little kid
SAM: Alright
*They pack their stuff and they get it in the car, this is the beginning of a new phase of their lives*

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