Chapater 5: We're safe now

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*Sam arrives home safely, his room is messy because he's too lazy to do a cleaning, then he realizes how he should do something with his life, he gets a knock on his window, someone's throwing rocks at his window, it's one of his costumers of Subway, the one who asked for more olives, but this time he has a whole gang*
OLIVES GUY: get down here if you have the balls! You won't be such an asshole now huh?
SAM: how did you even find where I live?
OLIVES GUY: I have contacts
SAM: a kid has contacts
OLIVES GUY: I have more friends than you, virgin
SAM: ok you want me to go? I'll go!
*Sam puts on the octopus mask and gets down, he's outnumbered, four versus one, he cracks his nuckles menacingly, and after a long figth, he gets his ass beaten, he couldn't barely take two guys, and he was left there to rot, thinking he would be dead, but he wasn't, unluckily*
SAM: I lost to a kindergartener, how the fuck did I lose to a kindergartener
*He said as he slowly got up, walking to his flat, when he finds a suited man, with a needle in his arm, sitting in the ground hallucinating*
SAM: Jesus man are you ok?
DRUG ADDICT: Jesus is that you?
SAM: no I'm not- yes, I am Jesus my child, I come here for ask you for something
DRUG ADDICT: what is it Jesus?
SAM: I need 20 bucks
DRUG ADDICT: take all my money Jesus *the drugged guy gives him 200$*
SAM: holy shit, ok man
*Sam walks away, feeling no remorse, as he is walking he bumps into someone and after walking away from that person he realizes he stole his money, at the second he realizes this he starts sprinting like a maniac at the person, who runs as well, and when he's about to get him, he trips and falls to tye ground, the robber flees, but before he can, Sam throws a rock at him, hitting the guy in the knee, but he still manages to run, he goes home and realizes nothing of that would have happened if he had his damn pocket closed*

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